Re: DISNEY Acquires FOX Film/TV Studios! X-Men, F4, Deadpool Join the MCU! Raise a gl
I know the perfect guy
I know the perfect guy

Wait what are you referring too don’t tell me WB went and announced another JL movie did they.
It's out November 2, 2018. So if they start fresh, we might see the first X film the end of 2019. I'd wager they at least had a first draft already done just in case the deal went through.
Then that will lose Disney money they pretty much paid for it now .
I really don't like this news...
I'm sure the movies coming out of this will be perfectly fine, but I don't like it when one big corporation starts cornering the market. It's just not good for business in general and not good for diverse thinking.
But oh well.
I hope they only keep Reynolds as Deadpool (and keep him rated R) and do a reboot for the rest.
I'd love to see all new actors cast in the 90s Blue and Gold teams. I hope this means Channing Tatum is out as Gambit as well.
I don't think diverse thinking is going to be the real issue. Hollywood has had a lack of diverse thinking for a while. I think one of the major problems that will stem from this, is you'll see a lot more of what Disney did with the new Star Wars. Where they made certain stipulations of how long a theater had to have Star Wars on screen. That may cause a lot of studios to lose a ton of revenue. Considering their theater runs will be dramatically shortened.
But there will be a shift from theaters soon anyway. Big studios will take over theaters. Smaller films will get their wide release on straight to home platforms like Netflix. I don't think it will cause too much consternation.
I really don't like this news...
I'm sure the movies coming out of this will be perfectly fine, but I don't like it when one big corporation starts cornering the market. It's just not good for business in general and not good for diverse thinking.
But oh well.
That’s the thing though business dealing don’t concern me just give me all the characters interacting with each other because at the end of the day all of that business legal mumble jumble will just sort itself out like it always does.
Hurray for team Silver Surfer lol