Super Freak
Its not that hard to put together, but he did take some time to build. i think i spent 12 hours or was it 8 hours?
if there's anyone in the know, is optimus getting a re-release b4 the end of this year? everywhere i look i find nothing. either discontinued or he doesn't even show up.
ok so i'm currently in bei jing now. i picked up another dmk prime for roughly 120 US.
seeing as how many other places outside of china are selling him for crazy prices, i wonder if there's been any word of DMK knock offs. so far, it looks and feels legit, and i've seen my fair share of bootleg model kits (gundams...made by ben di). so if it feels legit, why am i concerned? its just that the price seemed too good to be true.
then again, i can't really see how they can jack the prices for these toys when most of the population can't even afford to buy them. and the buyer i got it from isn't the only selling it for the right price.
so would anyone know if there are knockoffs of the DMKs?
I haven't heard of any KO DMKs. But that doesn't mean ur piece is legit. It would probably be quite easy to make molds of the model parts.
Your best bet woulde to look t the parts. Recasts are usually inevitably sloppy since it is essentially a copy of a copy.
Are the small delicate parts well defined? Is there any loss in detail?
If there isn't then there's no problem even if it is a fake.
not sure if its been asked and I imagine it has but how tall is this figure?