Do you hope that there will one day be an episode 7, 8 and 9?

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No. I don't want to see another Star Wars trilogy, and I definitely don't want to see one with zero involvement from Lucas. Lucas didn't remake The Hidden Fortress or the John Carter Books. He didn't take the sources of his inspiration and revise them. He employed elements for his own purposes to tell his own story in his own universe.

Can the hacks who dominate the entertainment industry try having an original idea for once in their weakass lives? They can call Lucas a whore until the cows come home, but start talking about picking the Star Wars carcass for scraps and their eyes glaze over. "We can do it just like what's his face did to Star Trek." "My wife will like Star Wars now." --best Paris Hilton voice-- "Star Wars is hot."

They can't invent it but they have no problem exploiting it for the sake of their own second-hand grandeur. Lame.
I would definitely love to see another trilogy. Even when I am keen on the upcoming live action TV series, SW movies are always special to me for the common experience of watching them together with my long time friends. I caught TESB with my buddy, later the SW special editions with more friends and eventaully we did so for the prequals after all those years.
Good points Devil. I sometimes fall into the trap of cricizing Lucas, but I do think some of the complaints leveled against him are unfair. Sometimes its almost like we Star Wars fans are ungrateful.
The story arc for the six films is finished, anything else seems superfluous to me. I'd rather see other eras of Star Wars explored in film, preferably without the characters seen in the films.
I know Lucas said he's done with SW movies, but he's said alot of things and changed his mind. If the technology ever gets good enough to render photorealistic people I could see him doing more just to push the technology. Imagine a realistic looking film, but no need for actors or sets. That would be GL's dream. Though, I'm not sure that will happen in his lifetime which may not be a bad thing for us.

I'd rather just have new actors if it came to that personally.
The thing with Star Wars (for me anyway) is that the OT films themselves were something special that you looked forward to seeing when they were re-released every couple of years. Ever since the special editions though, you can't throw a rock and not hit something Star Wars. It's just ^^^^ing everywhere! the franchise is just so over saturated and over hyped that nowadays when something new does come out, I just shrug my shoulders and it's like "meh". It's not special anymore. The name Star Wars use to mean something and brought memories of going to the movies when we were kids, dressing up in cheap vinyl Darth Vader costumes for Halloween and that sort of stuff. Now the name Star Wars can be found on everything from toilet paper to dog food. And in between novels that seem to come out once a month, video games, cartoons, toys, underwear, cookbooks, etc. etc. I can personally say I've had my fill of Star Wars! enough is enough Lucas!

Lucas has whored Star Wars so much that I don't care if I ever see Ep. 6,7 or 9.

You never saw Return of the Jedi?
You'd be shocked at how misguided this statement is.

I don't think it's misguided at all.

To say most hard-core SW fans acknowledge the EU or not is debatable, but most PEOPLE who go to the Star Wars movies (ie: the general public) don't even know about the EU, let alone acknowledge it as canon.
i'm down for some new star wars movies. they don't have to be 7, 8, or 9. Just something new. I really don't like how movies are labeld like Spiderman 3 or Superman IV. Do it like Transformers and just have a subtitle.