My books has generally always been X-Men and Spider-Man with single character titles like Iron Fist and Punisher thrown in and runs like DnA on Cosmic but recently it seems that all individual characters have become Avengers.
X-men were the only ones seperate and now after AvX they've been absorbed and now it's difficult to find a book that doesn't have Avenger characters in.
I tried Iron Man for a bit and found it boring, Events were cool because they had lots of different characters, i read JMS. Run of Thor which was great but Avengers as a team never interested me as it seemed a mish-mish of characters called a team whereas X-Men were a team that became a family.
Marvel Comics has transformed to Avenger comics and lost it's attraction for different type of heros and characters having different types of stories and situations. There are some of course but overall it's more same now so different titles can't be too different as they share too much with another, they're all gonna end up with the same tone and atmosphere and characters and tell too similar stories
With Uncanny Avengers, If you want to read X-Men now then you have to read Avengers too and if you want to read Avengers then you have to read X-Men. Having them seperate meant that fans could read both if they wanted but could avoid the other if they wanted too, now there's not a choice
Since i don't find Avengers interesting the new status quo has compromised X-Men for me, and the same exists for others like me and others of the reverse who don't like X-Men but are having them thrust upon them.