Just finish the Fellowship. Thats all I ask.
no. dont just finish the fellowship. come on guys. dont say we will be happy with just the fellowship or that is all they will give us. i want saruman and theoden and eomer and eowyn and arwen and elrond and denethor and wormtongue and bilbo and hama and gamling and orc #3 and the 4th uruk from the right in that one scene(you know the one).
yes but dont you remember when SS first unvieled that body? they said it would be used for other small characters. namely SW aliens. it wasnt just for hobbits. i could see them dropping the line right now.Merry and Pippin are locks, I just don't see SSC spending the money to make the Hobbit body and at least not give the 4 hobbits. Gimli is the one I'm most worried about. He'll either be really rushed and come out looking like Ed from the Shaun of the Dead line where they are all out of proportion or he won't get done. I have really bad feeling with it comes to that one.
Why should SSC make LOTR figures (a license thats grossed like a billion dollars world wide) when they've got cash cows like Conan, The Fly, 300, and Species?
i cringe whenever SS says they have a new license to unviel. all it does is spread their resources thinner than they already are. it's OK if the license is something big like GI Joe or something but do we really need all these little licenses that spawn about 1 or 2 collectibles and then are never heard from again?Why should SSC make LOTR figures (a license thats grossed like a billion dollars world wide) when they've got cash cows like Conan, The Fly, 300, and Species?
I mean, there's still classics like Ice Pirates and Beastmaster that are desperately seeking a distributor maybe we can ditch the SW and Indy lines for those!
I was going to post a response but forgot what it was staring at the GIFSdcc sucks its just a bunch of collectibles in a room
I was going to post a response but forgot what it was staring at the GIF
We will need more than just the fellowship. I want the fellowship but I want the side characters-Theoden,Eomer,Eowyn a few baddies and the rest.