Do you want Kojima to make more MGS games?

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Do you want Kojima to make more MGS games?

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But the story... is so bad. It doesn't deserve the marks it gets. If you're so much about the gameplay over story, I guess you can play GZ/TPP on mute and enjoy it just as much.

You know that MGS 4's storyline is bad when even David Hayter disagreed with Kojima on some things.
Now you're putting words in my mouth, why?

I think it's clear that my stand on the MGS4 story is that it's decent and it gets the job done giving you enough motivation to go through the game, yours is that you utterly hate it.

I like the Big Boss story arc, so I wouldn't mute MGSV at all.

You're right, I said that gameplay can be a bigger part over story, it can also be the other way around, the only way your argument works is if you deal in absolutes, I don't deal in absolutes.

Tell me you didn't just reference Star Wars...
Kojima needs to leave MGS alone. Maybe forever

It can't go on indefinitely as it's been stated and for me it truly died after MGS3.

My heart want's Kojima to stay so I can dream about him making another true MGS game like the originals, but it's just pipe dreams now and once you accept that there are no more barriers to cross. The only logical thing is to leave it

And to me a game is not all about gameplay at all. A truly good game can captivate you with it's story & characters while at the same time can involve you in the game mentally. MGS is one of those games that does this really well and the later instalments lost most if not all of this. MGS4 being the worst out of all the games in terms of the above
My whole argument is backed up on the gameplay, it's the only thing you can 100% defend about MGS4, and it is a game after all, the storyline is at least decent but the gameplay is just immaculate.

I would disagree with you there. While the consoles were immaculate i think the gameplay wasn't consistently great like it has in the past.

There is alot of ambition behind MGSV so im hoping the story will be awesome but i gotta say the gameplay looks truley devine!

You know that MGS 4's storyline is bad when even David Hayter disagreed with Kojima on some things.

To be fair he only disagreed with the biggest piles of crap in the story.

One being OldSnake having difficulty at the end offing himself

Second that god awful Jonny Sasaki/ Meryl relationship

...really what was he thinking?

I'm cringing at the idea of mummy looking Harrison Ford, fat Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher on screen now after 30 years.

It will be weird but you know JJ doesnt disappoint, he killed it with Spock in Trek.
And to me a game is not all about gameplay at all. A truly good game can captivate you with it's story & characters while at the same time can involve you in the game mentally. MGS is one of those games that does this really well and the later instalments lost most if not all of this. MGS4 being the worst out of all the games in terms of the above

To be fair, the gameplay in MGS1 was really good at the time, it was fun as hell to play.

I would disagree with you there. While the consoles were immaculate i think the gameplay wasn't consistently great like it has in the past.

I don't think I really understand what you're saying, but that's fair, I still think MGS4 has the best gameplay, but it's only logical since the gameplay has been improved with each game, but of course that's just my opinion, I still find MGS1 very charming and find it's gameplay to be ahead of it's time, MGS2 was weaker for me in the gameplay department.
To be fair, the gameplay in MGS1 was really good at the time, it was fun as hell to play.

I don't think I really understand what you're saying, but that's fair, I still think MGS4 has the best gameplay, but it's only logical since the gameplay has been improved with each game, but of course that's just my opinion, I still find MGS1 very charming and find it's gameplay to be ahead of it's time, MGS2 was weaker for me in the gameplay department.

The AI, the room clearing, and the lockers was weak to you?
Not to mention being able to shoot the guards radios, Hold up enemies, hang. The list goes on


Forgot about that!

In terms of gameplay, it was night and day in terms of gameplay from MGS1 to MGS2.

MGS3 ran similar aside from the camo system, survival viewer and CQC.
To be fair, the gameplay in MGS1 was really good at the time, it was fun as hell to play.

I don't think I really understand what you're saying, but that's fair, I still think MGS4 has the best gameplay, but it's only logical since the gameplay has been improved with each game, but of course that's just my opinion, I still find MGS1 very charming and find it's gameplay to be ahead of it's time, MGS2 was weaker for me in the gameplay department.

woops! I ment the controls were highley improved in MGS4. The gameplay had its moments like Act 1, the Rex Fight and OldSnake VS Liquid Ocelot. But overall the gameplay its self was more bland, i think partly due to the over the shoulder view. It made dispatching enemies alot easier without improving their AI, not to mention the infinite ammo
woops! I ment the controls were highley improved in MGS4. The gameplay had its moments like Act 1, the Rex Fight and OldSnake VS Liquid Ocelot. But overall the gameplay its self was more bland, i think partly due to the over the shoulder view. It made dispatching enemies alot easier without improving their AI, not to mention the infinite ammo

Ugh having the store made the game extremely easy, too easy. Over the shoulder killed the game for me. The bird's eye view is the only way to play MGS.
I do love the over head cam since it allowed for really cinematic camera angles, which i always loved about the series.

But the camera was awesome in MGS4 too, the gameplay just needed to be adapted to suit it. Looks like MGSV is headed in the right direction from what little gameplay we saw.

Even ignoring the store completley ammo was very easy to come buy. The game needs balance!