It's clear MGS4 needs to be removed from the franchise and we deserve a different ending.
There wasn't a fast difference between 2-3. What do you exactly mean by gameplay?
I personally disliked it moving to over the shoulder in MGS4, much the same way i hated it in Resi 4. I would have preferred it the original way.
I think personally that there hasn't been one franchise that has tried to evolve and hasn't inadvertently nailed the coffin shut.
Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy... the list goes on not to mention if you added movie franchises. I know it's sort of inevitable when your creating one thing for so long, times change and people change. Be happy that you made something great and move on, you don't need to kill everything that was once good
It's clear MGS4 needs to be removed from the franchise and we deserve a different ending.
In general, I'm pretty anti-franchise when it comes to games, movies, ect. I'd rather have a really solid original game than a sequel any day of the week. It's just a shame something that's hot gets hooked up to the milking machine until it's a dried up husk of its former self. I didn't play gears of war 2 and beyond, stopped caring after Halo 3 enough to continue that series, and have never played a direct Final Fantasy sequel. MGS is really the only exception. I just can't quit you, Snake...
"I'm glad MGS is not going on that mindless franchise milking direction."
that really isnt true seeing there have been how many releases of these games on how many systems how many times now? oh yeah theres been numerous "collection" bundles. they also come in various sizes too.
I really wish they want with the original plan and bought liquid back in the second one. the games would have been different I just don't really care for ocelot he was always a decent side character to me .
can we please get back to batman? i missed that conversation.............
Just imagine if Kojima made a Batman game...![]()
I don't know.... Batman and Robin getting kinky under the bat-cape?...
Yes to all of this. MGS3 is easily may favorite because of the Cold War setting, but I'll definitely throw it under the bus for having some of the wall moments. MGS1 will always be the game that made me realize what gaming is all fun and immersion in every aspect of the game.
I voted for Kojima to keep the games rolling. If Konami wants to keep making them, and people keep buying them then I'm cool with it. I just really, really NEED the original Metal Gear games remade sometime.
Just imagine if Kojima made a Batman game...![]()
Guys, it was just a joke. I didn't really want you to talk about Batman.
Sent from Shadow Moses by codec.
Well, I was going to say that if Kojima was creating one, it would be the most awesome Batman game of all time.
And that too.