Do you want Kojima to make more MGS games?

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Do you want Kojima to make more MGS games?

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As Plissken said, the Big Boss cameo in MGS4 was retarded moment in gaming history, and I think that it sums up all of what 4 represented, I loved it first time since I played it with my fanboy goggles. Too forced for me.
And also treating Solidus' body like a piece of cr@p, the last decent evil guy in the franchise treated like "meh" is just not cool imho.
Ehh, with the story and solid snake the way they are now, Metal Gear just doesn't look good at all. I've lost all interest. I havent played peace walker, portable ops and rising and I haven't been keeping up with phantom pain or ground zeroes.

The only real way I could get back into it was if MGS4 didn't happen, and Snake was young.

I'll just have to cherish The twin snakes and MGS2 and MGS3 HD!
Im hoping for 4 to be fully retconned, but it might depend on how good GZ/TPP turns out since... Kojima is adding too much relevant stuff in BB's story to be ignored with 4 at the end.

So... maybe there might be a new canon, or something. Im just dreaming. I really wished that 4 turned out to be something else u.u
As Plissken said, the Big Boss cameo in MGS4 was retarded moment in gaming history, and I think that it sums up all of what 4 represented, I loved it first time since I played it with my fanboy goggles. Too forced for me.
And also treating Solidus' body like a piece of cr@p, the last decent evil guy in the franchise treated like "meh" is just not cool imho.

I was the same exact way when I first played it. After that I was very critical when I played it in all the subsequent playthroughs. It's just not up to the standards in terms of story of the other main titles :dunno

Ehh, with the story and solid snake the way they are now, Metal Gear just doesn't look good at all. I've lost all interest. I havent played peace walker, portable ops and rising and I haven't been keeping up with phantom pain or ground zeroes.

The only real way I could get back into it was if MGS4 didn't happen, and Snake was young.

I'll just have to cherish The twin snakes and MGS2 and MGS3 HD!

I haven't been following GZ/TPP that closely either, I just don't anticipate it too much. Maybe a new trailer with more story will change that.

As much as I hate TTS, I would like to see it on current consoles but Nintendo will never let it go, ever.
Im hoping for 4 to be fully retconned, but it might depend on how good GZ/TPP turns out since... Kojima is adding too much relevant stuff in BB's story to be ignored with 4 at the end.

So... maybe there might be a new canon, or something. Im just dreaming. I really wished that 4 turned out to be something else u.u

It would be great if he axed 4 from the franchise, it destroyed a lot of credibility to the story as a whole.
Yeah, it deserves to be axed more than MPO.
MPO was up to the standarts in terms of story. Gene was a really cool villian.

MPO gets so much heat and I don't know why. The only fault to me was the design for RAXA. At least in that game there was flesh and blood bosses and not stupid singing robots.

And in MGS4, Naomi hooks up with Otacon? Like really? The biggest dork limp **** piss pants gets the hottest chick of the series?

I always looked at Otacon as being based off Kojima, and it was some kind of twisted hentai fantasy of him including that ridiculous sub plot.
Im hoping for 4 to be fully retconned, but it might depend on how good GZ/TPP turns out since... Kojima is adding too much relevant stuff in BB's story to be ignored with 4 at the end.

So... maybe there might be a new canon, or something. Im just dreaming. I really wished that 4 turned out to be something else u.u

Mgs4 wont be retconned kojima has a hard on for big boss.
And how to forget MPO's epic soundtrack? RAXA's theme made me feel that I wasnt playing on a portable but on a full-fleshed console.
and "Showtime"? Showtime is one of the most epics tunes in MGS.
The AI, the room clearing, and the lockers was weak to you?

I really can't say anything bad about the AI on any of the MGS games, except in PW which was intentionally dumbed down a lot and it was frustrating for me as "difficulty snob" that I am.

But the dynamics on MGS2 were essentially the same than in MGS1, sure it added many details that added realism, but the gameplay wasn't really scaled up, still, I mean "weak" for the standards of the franchise, we only saw big leaps in the gameplay from MGS2>MGS3 and then again with MGS3>MGS4.
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MPO gets so much heat and I don't know why. The only fault to me was the design for RAXA. At least in that game there was flesh and blood bosses and not stupid singing robots.

And in MGS4, Naomi hooks up with Otacon? Like really? The biggest dork limp **** piss pants gets the hottest chick of the series?

I always looked at Otacon as being based off Kojima, and it was some kind of twisted hentai fantasy of him including that ridiculous sub plot.

That actually makes sense. :lol
I really can't say anything bad about the AI on any of the MGS games, except in PW which was intentionally dumbed down a lot and it was frustrating for me as "difficulty snob" that I am.

But the dynamics on MGS2 were essentially the same than in MGS1, sure it added many details that added realism, but the gameplay wasn't really scaled up, still, I mean "weak" for the standards of the franchise, we only saw big leaps in the gameplay from MGS2>MGS3 and then again with MGS3>MGS4.

There wasn't a fast difference between 2-3. What do you exactly mean by gameplay?

I personally disliked it moving to over the shoulder in MGS4, much the same way i hated it in Resi 4. I would have preferred it the original way.

I think personally that there hasn't been one franchise that has tried to evolve and hasn't inadvertently nailed the coffin shut.

Metal Gear, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy... the list goes on not to mention if you added movie franchises. I know it's sort of inevitable when your creating one thing for so long, times change and people change. Be happy that you made something great and move on, you don't need to kill everything that was once good
I didn't have much problem with OTS view, but the game was so heavy in the player's favor that there wasn't much challenge.
I keep looking back on the MGS franchise wondering if they should do more or just stop, and I keep coming back to the same conclusion: I only really loved Metal Gear Solid on psx. For me that game was perfect. MGS 2 introduced some really whacky, unforgivable shark jumping moments, MGS 3 was a big step in the right direction but still had aspects that make me chuckle and cringe at once. The portable games feel non-essential in hindsight and 4 was very messy with a huge let down of an ending.

I feel like a drug addict chasing that first perfect high :lol
I keep looking back on the MGS franchise wondering if they should do more or just stop, and I keep coming back to the same conclusion: I only really loved Metal Gear Solid on psx. For me that game was perfect. MGS 2 introduced some really whacky, unforgivable shark jumping moments, MGS 3 was a big step in the right direction but still had aspects that make me chuckle and cringe at once. The portable games feel non-essential in hindsight and 4 was very messy with a huge let down of an ending.

I feel like a drug addict chasing that first perfect high :lol

You nailed it on all points. I haven't had the same rush I had since the first MGS.
I keep looking back on the MGS franchise wondering if they should do more or just stop, and I keep coming back to the same conclusion: I only really loved Metal Gear Solid on psx. For me that game was perfect. MGS 2 introduced some really whacky, unforgivable shark jumping moments, MGS 3 was a big step in the right direction but still had aspects that make me chuckle and cringe at once. The portable games feel non-essential in hindsight and 4 was very messy with a huge let down of an ending.

I feel like a drug addict chasing that first perfect high :lol

:lecture Yes to all of this. MGS3 is easily may favorite because of the Cold War setting, but I'll definitely throw it under the bus for having some of the wall moments. MGS1 will always be the game that made me realize what gaming is all fun and immersion in every aspect of the game.

I voted for Kojima to keep the games rolling. If Konami wants to keep making them, and people keep buying them then I'm cool with it. I just really, really NEED the original Metal Gear games remade sometime.
I believe Kojima should follow his guts because everytime he talks about initial concepts for a MGS title, they sound way cooler than it turned out to be.
MGS4 was too forced to wrapt it al up, with all the plot in that game, there are easy 2 more solid snake games, not to mention what happens between 2 and 4. For me that's a key and rich period in the plot.