Uncanny Web-Slinger
Super Freak
I don't think Magic itself is the turn off, its how it fits into the other movies
Just give him magic for Christ's sake! It's a ****ing comic book, not War and Peace. If people will buy the SHIELD helicarrier, Thor's hammer or a guy turning into a giant green monster, they'll buy magic.
Thing with Magic is it has to have existed for hundreds of years, this is different than one brillaint scientist or engineer managing to create a super serum or armour.
So Strange is simply a gifted guy who can tap into it like Jedi do with the Force.but this brings up the question why isn't Magic more apart of society ispf it's a real thing and has been for hundreds of years.
A way they could do it is have Magic fade away over the years with only a very select few passing on the teachings on how to use it.
Strange could get this from the monks
I don't think Magic itself is the turn off, its how it fits into the other movies
It's alien technology.
You find it and quote it.
I might yeah. All these annoying confrontations are giving me ulcers.
If you didn't get worked up over harmless comments, your life wouldn't be full of grammar mistakes.
What argument did I get you into? You asked what they called Loki's spear in the Avengers. It's alien technology. Loki is an alien. They explained it pretty well in Thor.
"Your ansestors called it magic, you call it science, but from where I come from, they're one in the same".
So there you go. I just helped you answer a question.
Just because I answered your question.