Nobody likes Cushing's portrayal of Doctor Who?
Nobody likes Cushing's portrayal of Doctor Who?
So many have spoken of sculpts forthcoming yet my space set aside for them is still empty.![]()
So many have spoken of sculpts forthcoming yet my space set aside for them is still empty.![]()
WST, would you be able to email me a list of available sculpts that you have procured? I know you are involved in many projects and I want to see what I might be looking to add before the Troughton deadline.
My headless 1st Doctor and Master customs feel your pain.
My headless 1st Doctor and Master customs feel your pain.
I see your using the same basic Master Costume I am. I need to pick up black gloves though. But will wait for the sculpt.
Why wasn't he the doctor. I always thought he was the doctor. He should be the doctor. He should be counted as a doctor.
OK now I'm rambling.
I've seen his Who films and they're OK but I associate Cushing mostly with playing Grand Moff Tarkin and I think he'd have been a great replacement for Roger Delgado as the Master.
Either he or Christopher Lee would have made splendid Masters.