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Has anyone considered that River may be Romana?
That point came up in conversation with some friends about this, and I thought it warranted mentioning.

As for the mentioned plot "hole", has to be an important Moffat plot device or I don't think he would have taken liberties like that. It is too wide a hole not to. Interesting call.

Went back and watched the Tennant Library episode last night, and, smug B***h or not, am really trying to solve this River mystery. Curiouser and curiouser.
Has anyone considered that River may be Romana?
That point came up in conversation with some friends about this, and I thought it warranted mentioning.

You could be onto something there. Romana was quite smug and the first incarnation in particular often treated the Doctor like a lesser person.

As a member of his own race she would be the only companion I could ever see as his wife though I rather think that angle may turn out to be a red herring or at least I hope it is.
One user on therpf has a theory...

"Originally Posted by Kerr Avon
Oh crap.

Rani - meaning of Rani name

The girl's name Rani \r(a)- ni\ is of Hebrew and Sanskrit origin, and its meaning is "she is singing; queen".

RANI (2)
Gender: Feminine

Usage: Hebrew

Other Scripts: רָנִי (Hebrew)

Means "my joy" or "my song" in Hebrew


One user on therpf has a theory...

"Originally Posted by Kerr Avon
Oh crap.

Rani - meaning of Rani name

The girl's name Rani \r(a)- ni\ is of Hebrew and Sanskrit origin, and its meaning is "she is singing; queen".

RANI (2)
Gender: Feminine

Usage: Hebrew

Other Scripts: רָנִי (Hebrew)

Means "my joy" or "my song" in Hebrew



Intresting stuff, the Rani is a character that's been linked with a return pretty much every year since 2005 so maybe next year it'll be legit.
Someone on therpf just pointed this out (so she's probably NOT the Rani)
specifically this bit..
"It has been confirmed that it will be impossible for the Rani to return in the revived series as the character's creators have not agreed to transfer their copyright of the character to any of the new producers, though it may happen one day where the copyright will be taken."
the little bit after that may make it moot though you know, the classic "citation needed"
I'm guessing this isn't news in these parts, but a friend just sent me this link, and I thought I would share:

Not sure how I feel about that...

There was a rumor of this happening about a year or so I think. Bring it on, I say. Especially if RTD is helming it. However, I don't know how Brit's would feel about an American playing The Doctor...

I'd also hate for the movie to screw up show continuity.
I personnaly would absolutly hate this to go ahead, Depp as the Doctor? no thanks! it works just fine as it is on TV why does it need a film too? I dont remember any TV serial translating to film well and to be quite frank its totally insulting to Moffats team who are running the new series well with a brilliant Doctor in place. This is something i hope never happens unless its like a special episode being directed and produced by the same staff who are currently in place on the show, including the current cast members. Why Depp though? all i would see is some fancy dressed Jack Sparrow pissing about in the Tardis, if they insisted on following this film farce i would suggest a lesser known actor to take the lead, why not just go full force and hire Tim Burton to direct?
Woo! wooooo! its not the worst idea in the universe that belongs to letting over 80's drive, but this is close second.
bad idea as it would confuse things, would he be one of the next doctors, probably Russel T Davis mouthing off to get publicity for the next Torchwood series
I think that if there is a film and it's not written by Steven Moffat and starring Matt Smith then it would be a tremendous slight to both.

Because of RTD's desire to pander to American audiences the show was already changed almost beyond recognition leaving Moffat to spend much of his first series doing damage control so having someone like Depp in the lead role would completely kill the show's identity once & for all.

You'd never have an American playing James Bond, so the same should apply with the Doctor.

Apparently Matt Smith's original costume was based on Jack Sparrow's so we nearly got the scenario you described, only without Depp.
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I don't really get how this would confuse things. Its a differnt universe with a different continuity and therfore a different doctor.

Im no more offended by it than I am by those cheap Bollywood knockoffs of American movies.
Apparently Matt Smith's original costume was based on Jack Sparrow's so we nearly got the scenario you described, only without Depp.

I actually wouldn't have minded that, as long as it was a brief gag for one scene like right after the Pertwee into Tom Baker regeneration when Tom comes out dressed as a clown.
I'm SOO glad that they went the direction the did though, instead of the pirate outfit.
(pretty close to the start here)
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
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I actually wouldn't have minded that, as long as it was a brief gag for one scene like right after the Pertwee into Tom Baker regeneration when Tom comes out dressed as a clown.
I'm SOO glad that they went the direction the did though, instead of the pirate outfit.
(pretty close to the start here)
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

It was apparently going to be the regular costume but Matt Smith wasn't comfortable with so it got changed.