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Steven Moffat changing the rules to suit? :wink1:

I'm just waiting for an explanation to why she didn't regenerate in the libary.:lol
Steven Moffat changing the rules to suit? :wink1:

I'm just waiting for an explanation to why she didn't regenerate in the libary.:lol

Death was instantaneous. No time to regenerate. Also I believe she gave all of her remaining regenerations to Eleven in order to save his life in Let's Kill Hitler, didn't she?
True about how just being Gallifreyan doesn't make you a Time-Lord.
I had never thought about how Susan wouldn't regenerate because of that though. Good point!

Nu Who writing is very sloppy and lazy (to me) under both show-runners. And I'm not saying Classic Who was perfect, I'm saying it's the year 2013. It's not the 1970's and Nu-Who writers should know better/write better now. I'm thrilled Who is back because it will always be "my" show, and I still get a certain amount of enjoyment from it. I thought Matt Smith was fantastic and that Season 7B was very good and I felt a step up though still had some amazingly lazy parts (The Doctor not even bothering to try and find out who was behind "the Bells of St John and just leaving. WTH? Lazy!).

I can see the day coming the day Nu-Who finally alienates me and goes too far. I don't really get the forum talk about having him regenerate into other races--- an Indian Doctor. A Chinese Doctor. A Guatemalan Doctor. Why? I thought the planet he came from was called Gallifrey, not Earth? Why change things just for the sake of change after 50 years? How does that make the show any better?

And would having him regenerate into a female Doctor make the stories any better? We already have a great female time-lord---Romana. Bring her back and spin her off into her own series if they want a female Doctor. I would love that!

Maybe they should just focus a little harder on resolving their current lingering plot lines they started and never explained and start to tell more actual solid stories? Fourteen episodes a season shouldn't be that hard to put out and shouldn't have as many stinkers

But that's just me, Mr Cranky-bottom, today. I don't mean to offend anyone.

Complaining is free (so Live life to it's fullest!)
Somethings never change. From a news article in 1966 after Troughton first took over as Doctor. :lol

Somethings never change. From a news article in 1966 after Troughton first took over as Doctor. :lol


Yes. An article from three years after the show had been on worrying about a change in the program (the first regeneration) vs a show that had now been on for 50 years and is an institution and not wanting any radical changes. That is not the exactly the same, is it, Pix? And that's actually a little belittling too. Heaven forbid I post a thought, and thanks for the stimulating conversation. I was polite in my post.

This is also why this was my first real who post, and now thanks to you, my last. Entirely credited to you, Pix.

It must be liberating to love something so much you look forward to any and all changes they may provide knowing they can do no wrong.

"I'za salute you, Pixletwin..."

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But that's just me, Mr Cranky-bottom, today. I don't mean to offend anyone.

Dear Mr Cranky-bottom,

I was not replying to you. I even agree with just about everything you posted. I had just seen this on GB, chuckled, and thought I would post it here. Sheesh. I am not even sure how you could relate what I posted to anything you had posted. Or how you could have construed it in any manner as a reply to you. Have you been having a bad day or something?

Mesa thinken so.

Wow. Overreaction.

With the fear that I too will be accused of smighting a fellow poster with words, I think its HILARIOUS that you insinuate that the character must be British because he comes from the planet Gallifrey and not India. :lol
Wow. Overreaction.

With the fear that I too will be accused of smighting a fellow poster with words, I think its HILARIOUS that you insinuate that the character must be British because he comes from the planet Gallifrey and not India. :lol

Why does Batman, Superman and Spiderman have to be American? Oops they're not they're British :lol
I think River's status solved because she was conceived in the TARDIS... I think it's a dumb explanation, but oh well. :lol

That's one explanation.

An equally plausible one is she was alone with the Doctor for some time before Rory joined them. She wanted the Doctor's sonic screwdriver and wasn't shy about it. Oh, congrats Rory! You're a father you naive sap!
Started season 7.1 via Amazon Prime (nice streaming action there by-the-way) and its off to a ripping start. Loved ep1, and blown away by the effects in the dinosaur ep!. The robots themselves were amazingly well done!

I enjoyed season 6, but had issue with the pacing by which episodes were shown. Almost too many creepy standalones too closely aired to each other, but that's a side issue now.

Update saw Angels take Manhattan - great ending, but sad!
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Ok, all, so caught up on Matt Smith till Nov, so placing my attention to classic who.

What is the best site to see what is and is not available from classic era? Watched Unearthly child now Cave of skulls, but have no idea how many of the episodes survived, what was skipped....HELP!!!

Ok, all, so caught up on Matt Smith till Nov, so placing my attention to classic who.

What is the best site to see what is and is not available from classic era? Watched Unearthly child now Cave of skulls, but have no idea how many of the episodes survived, what was skipped....HELP!!!


all the classics are on

I've been rewatching them myself. In the middle of Season 4's The Evil of the Daleks.
all the classics are on

I've been rewatching them myself. In the middle of Season 4's The Evil of the Daleks.

funny i randomly found dailymotion...glad to hear that much of classic who is on there...quality is a tad low, but given the source material for the era, its pretty amazing!
