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Gonna be, they already are. I must have read a dozen or so tweets right after he came out about how Doctor Who was ruined :lol

I think Capaldi is going to great and I'm dying to see his first real go. I have a feeling he'll have a Sonic more like Tom's and I'm sure he is up for a Tardis upgrade.

I'm very pleased with the choice, very much wanted an older Doctor! but a Tardis upgrade? really? firstly it would be too soon and secondly if "the name of the doctor" thought us anything it's that this is the final Tardis interior.
I'm very pleased with the choice, very much wanted an older Doctor! but a Tardis upgrade? really? firstly it would be too soon and secondly if "the name of the doctor" thought us anything it's that this is the final Tardis interior.

I agree that they should not change the console room, but you are wrong about TNotD. The show runners Never had any intention of tieing the series down like that. (Why would they?)
Yeah- the console room should stay the same. I'm sure they'll keep it just for budget reasons. The only reason we got a new one was because of the studio move.

And, yeah, there's no reason that this TARDIS is the last one. Easily explained later - he goes back to it at the end of his life. OR, all of that stuff is undone by the time the 50th special or Christmas special is done.
The crack in the window after the TARDIS lands and the giant crack in the same window on the future TARDIS is a big hint.
I'm thrilled Capaldi's going to be the next doctor! He's a fantastic actor and will bring a new angle to the show of that I'm sure.

Oh as well as being a great little fan artist when he was a kid. :D

I'm very pleased with the choice, very much wanted an older Doctor! but a Tardis upgrade? really? firstly it would be too soon and secondly if "the name of the doctor" thought us anything it's that this is the final Tardis interior.

I don't know, Matt's modern TARDIS even in exterior doesn't seem mesh well with Capaldi in my mind, even David Tennant's TARDIS seems to fit better IMHO.

As for NOFTD, it's an episode in the grand scheme of things means nothing really. Anything in that episode will just go "Timey Wimey" and go away as the show progresses or do we forget River Song's Sonic suddenly being completely forgotten or the dozens of other little things that were simply just left out to pasture.

I feel like Capaldi needs something more plain, "adult" if you will including his Sonic and TARDIS but who knows what they'll do.
What if Clara was really Susan or Jenny and had regenerrated a while back. Being a Timelord they might be the only people who can enter a Timelords time stream and still come out alive.

Then again Moffat won't go that far as it seems he's scared of being called a Fanboy even though he falls back on it when people say the program's losing its original elements.
What if Clara was really Susan or Jenny and had regenerrated a while back. Being a Timelord they might be the only people who can enter a Timelords time stream and still come out alive.

Then again Moffat won't go that far as it seems he's scared of being called a Fanboy even though he falls back on it when people say the program's losing its original elements.

Moffat won't go that far because it sounds like fanwank (imo). Besides which we have seen Clara as a child with her parents on earth.
I would agree, I think we've seen how Clara ties into The Doctor and his "sacrifice" to go into the time stream to save her and continue with her. I don't think you'll see a sudden surprise come around.

What could happen is that Clara is still shaken up about her mother's death and that loss of her parent is still evident in her journey. The Doctor believes he lost a child with Jenny. It would be interesting to see them sort through those feelings with one another but even that feels more fan fiction than what they might do.
Thats right but how can he not sense Jenny, he said before he senses he's the only Timelord left - continuity error? - so shouldn't he sense her? It seems they've either forgotten that or are just ignoring it.

Its just like with Clara entering the Doctor's time stream that they'll come up with this miracle to get her out alive and well. If you look back at the way they rescued Wilf at the expense of #10 which was done brilliantly, to how they could come up with Clara, i just have a feeling it will feel constructed than natural.

Where as if a Timelord were the only person who could do that it would give the story much more gravity and tie things together better. May be she could be the great-granddaughter of Omega or Rassilon and was Clark Kent-ed to avoid the Time War. Now knowing her true heritage she is trying to put things right for all the wrongs of her ancestor.

And one of the rumours was that the Timelords will feature in the 50th.
She's got Timelord DNA han't she?

You are misunderstanding what makes a TimeLord. She never attended the Time Lord Academy. She never gazed into the Untempered Schizm and never was given a regenerative cycle. She has Galifreyen DNA. Note at the end of The Doctor's Daughter, she didn't regenerate after being shot. What made her come back to life was the The Source (which brought life to the planet as well).

Same with Susan. Not a time lord, but Galifreyen.
You are misunderstanding what makes a TimeLord. She never attended the Time Lord Academy. She never gazed into the Untempered Schizm and never was given a regenerative cycle. She has Galifreyen DNA. Note at the end of The Doctor's Daughter, she didn't regenerate after being shot. What made her come back to life was the The Source (which brought life to the planet as well).

Same with Susan. Not a time lord, but Galifreyen.

Something that should be explained further in the show. They've let the audience think everyone from Gallifrey was a Timelord. There had to be teachers and craftsmen and milkmen and people who flip burgers. Every person who lived on the planet can't all have the same role in society.
Something that should be explained further in the show. They've let the audience think everyone from Gallifrey was a Timelord. There had to be teachers and craftsmen and milkmen and people who flip burgers. Every person who lived on the planet can't all have the same role in society.

They kind of showed that in The Name of the Doctor, where we see common workers on Gallifrey... In the classic series we had more examples of that. The Tom Baker era stories set on Gallifrey illustrate pretty well a separation of classes.
I honestly thought they said in Confidential she would be able to regenerate, but isn't River a Timelord? Now i know ive heard Moffat definately say she is and she'd be able to regenerate.

Tom Baker's era is where Galifrey was really defined.
I think River's status solved because she was conceived in the TARDIS... I think it's a dumb explanation, but oh well. :lol
Something that should be explained further in the show. They've let the audience think everyone from Gallifrey was a Timelord. There had to be teachers and craftsmen and milkmen and people who flip burgers. Every person who lived on the planet can't all have the same role in society.

The classic Tom Baker serial The Deadly Assassin is probably the best case of seeing life on Galifrey.