I agree with all you said (though I'm willing to cut the Doctor some slack, since they're always out of sorts for an episode or two after regeneration)... Less focus on trying to include every single race and preference known to man/woman/it, and more focus on using the cast they have to tell stories worthy of the name Doctor Who. I think they have a great opportunity to create an all-new race of villains, all-new stories, all new allies, with all new timey-whimey twists and turns.
One comment I noticed in the latest one, the Doctor said something like she was a "sister" once (If I remember correctly)... I thought we pretty much knew all of the Doctor's incarnations up till now (but in all fairness, I think of the War Doctor, and that was kind of sprung on us). It sounds like the Doctor had a previous female incarnation that to the best of my knowledge viewers aren't aware of?