72if said "https://www.digitalspy.co.uk/cult/a13...urn-story.html
BBC refutes this as rubbish and just not true."
The Doctors Trainers said "Actually i have a news update
McGann is DEFINATELY back. It has been confirmed to me this morning. The source is cast iron and there is no room for doubt in my mind.
And if I'm wrong then may one of Ghengis Khan's Elephants try to sit on me
(you'll understand this last comment when the epsiode airs
The denial is simply cos the info has got out way to early (wonder whose fault that is
TDT also said "I think you'll find that the Production office are now sending out misinformation cos its leaked too early. I'm as sure as i ever can be on this one"
72if said "I think we are closer than we have ever been to seeing Paul get a fair crack at the whip.
They MAY be building a new set for PAUL........You never know....."
TDT said "or just the console