Hated it! "It stinks!"
The Next Doctor? More like bring on the next "exec producer". Ugh!
Once again we have the Cybermen, who I love dearly, returning in a story where they themselves are practically "could be anybody" background characters, much like every new series Dalek story except their first.
If the story was handled serious, and say like a horror movie (as most Cybermen stories ultimately could be improved by), the story could have been okay. The reason the guy thought he was the Doctor was very cool, but he himself was not from the moment he was introduced. If they played it more straight, it would have been immensely better, IMHO.
I have always felt Cybermen needed new elements brought in. If only the Cybershades didn't look stupid they could have been cool. And the Cyber-King? Ugh! WTH? I just kept laughing. Like they needed that to convert and take over a pre-technological town? And have a Cyberconversion chamber in their chest up there when all the people to convert are all the ways down there on the ground? It doesn't even make any sense. It's almost like the Pengiun planning on kidnapping all the first-born children of Gotham in one night in his duck train from Batman Returns. "THIS WAS YOUR GREAT PLAN?" At least the Doctor didn't animate a Statue of Liberty to fight it. RTD must be kicking himself to have not thought of that.
I enjoyed the Cybermen graveyard fight scenes and the electrocuting, and the new Cyber controller looks wicked, but thats about it. Oh how I long for a solid, well told story. Damn you, Russel T Davies! Keep your filthy stinking paws off my show!![]()
where the hell was the "big twist" at the end? I was a bit disappointed by that
Once again we have the Cybermen, who I love dearly, returning in a story where they themselves are practically "could be anybody" background characters, much like every new series Dalek story except their first.
If the story was handled serious, and say like a horror movie
And the Cyber-King? Ugh! WTH? I just kept laughing. Like they needed that to convert and take over a pre-technological town? And have a Cyberconversion chamber in their chest up there when all the people to convert are all the ways down there on the ground?
RTD is a stain on the franchise
It's clear that this episode was conceived as a "teaser" -- a way of throwing out chaff to confuse the fan radar, so to speak, about the "next doctor" ... and that was the entire point of the story, to have this feint, to say "well here's the 'next doctor'," and to show the previews of those first few minutes where the new character seems to know about the Tardis and the sonic screwdriver and has a companion and so on ... and that was the entire point of the exercise
As for the ratings,like I said audiences have been brainwashed by a constant diet of TV that's created for the lowest common denominator (ie the sort of morons that take reality shows seriously) most of them haven't a clue what good storytelling is and will lap up any old crap providing the special effects are flashy enough,hence the success of Nu-Who.
Still waiting for a reasoning of what is good in the old one for you.
IMO the acting in the old Who's I've seen has been hit and miss and when it's a "miss" its been worse than bad soap opera bad.
Not to bash anyone's favorite, but especially the Tom Baker episodes have been REALLY unimpressive for a large part. I can see how one might have fondness for him if you grew up with it, but his acting ability is pretty subpar compared to even the most average of actors in most successful series' today. His modern equal is more akin to "Sci-Fi Originals" type actors than major network stars.