Media DOOM (Doom 4)

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I'm guessing they learned a lesson with Doom 3. It was a cool game most would agree that it needed more variety...and light.
Doom 1/2 are the greatest games ever made. I bought a Playstation to play them, I bought an N64 to play Doom 64, when I finally started earning money I bought a PC and played Doom as it should be played. I remember having to fork out on a new graphic card, ram and cpu for Doom 3 too. Doubtless I'll do the same for this one.
Doom's my favorite as well. I've been considering buying a new GPU for quite some time (to max out Black Flag, the upcoming Alien: Isolation, and GTA V), but now it's a certainty.
I agree! The lack of light and the fact that you can ONLY equip the flashlight by itself WITHOUT a weapon made for one of the BEST modern horror games. DOOM 3 was SCARY and is the last game that genuinely startled and creeped me out. It was not only visually a fantastic game but psychologically as well. It did a great job drawing you into the atmosphere (from the very beginning where your marine goes into a bathroom and the lights flash with blood on the wall and then nothing).

I laugh at people who say DEAD SPACE was scary. Not at all...match that against the vulnerability AND psychology they channeled in DOOM 3 and you have a truly scary game. Nothing like walking down the halls and hearing the creepy baby moans, or struggling through the dark with your flashlight as you can HEAR the Imps but CAN'T see them.
I agree! The lack of light and the fact that you can ONLY equip the flashlight by itself WITHOUT a weapon made for one of the BEST modern horror games. DOOM 3 was SCARY and is the last game that genuinely startled and creeped me out. It was not only visually a fantastic game but psychologically as well. It did a great job drawing you into the atmosphere (from the very beginning where your marine goes into a bathroom and the lights flash with blood on the wall and then nothing).

I laugh at people who say DEAD SPACE was scary. Not at all...match that against the vulnerability AND psychology they channeled in DOOM 3 and you have a truly scary game. Nothing like walking down the halls and hearing the creepy baby moans, or struggling through the dark with your flashlight as you can HEAR the Imps but CAN'T see them.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Yes, although FEAR 1 had it's fair share of scares.
I LOVED Doom3. In the time it came out, none of the games looked better let alone sounded better. It felt like a whole different immersive experience and man the level designing was some AMAZING stuff, specially that chapter in HELL!! HELL NEVER LOOKED SO GOOD!!
And I loved how they introduced every new enemy type with a crazy cutscene!
I only wish they kept the cutscene for introducing the Bruiser in the Resurrection of Evil expansion. I read somewhere that, due to him having a monitor for a mouth, they were going to hide him behind a bundle of computer screens at a terminal or something. The player would come in for a closer look at the unusual screen and then the creature would burst out.

I played the original Doom when it first came out (hell, I played Wolfenstein 3d when it came out...I'm old :lol) but I still enjoyed Doom 3 a Hell of a lot back in the day. Never really felt the need to go back to it, but I have very fond memories all the same.

This one, not particularly pumped at this point, but definitely intrigued.
Doom 3 was terrible IMO. It was not Doom, it needed better music, monsters, guns, and deathmatch. I played it once all the way through and never had the urge to play it again.

As for Doom 1 and 2, I played it all the way though multiple times and probably thousands of deathmatch games. ;)

I will never forget the first time the Baron of Hell yelled at me or the time a Cacodemon appeared for the first time and started attacking. Great monsters for sure and hope they make some statues of them.
I LOVED the trailer! They better keep those old school sound effects! That's also what made Doom 1 and 2 great, the sounds!
Yeah, me too. I think I even still have the doom 3 steel case edition for the original Xbox sitting in my basement with the rest of my Xbox games. I loved the graphics and the atmosphere of it. I'm hoping Doom 4 has the same atmosphere with "next-gen" graphics.
I loved Doom 3.

But I'd like to see 3's atmosphere and cutting edge graphics married with the occasional "holy ****" odds of Dooms 1, 2, and the expansions. The steady pace of "boo!" monster closets made for a stressful experience, but I'd like some quantity of enemies, as well.
That or they'll release it 2 weeks later. Video game attendee stuff never seems to be like movies where it can be months.
Doom 3. Game had some intense moments where I was just screaming and chainsawing everything.
Found some info from QuakeCon. There was a 20 minute gameplay demo (no recording allowed).

  • Fast-paced combat against multiple enemies at once - Doom 3 this ain't.
  • Set outside a massive UAC research facility on Mars as it's being invaded by the forces of Hell.
  • Hellknights, cyberdemons, revenants, mancubii, and other classic monsters were spotted throughout the demo.
  • Classic Doom weapons, including the fan-favorite double-barrell shotgun return. Plasma rifle, rocket launcher, and the good old chainsaw were also shown off.
  • Go fast. "Doom is not about about taking cover" said executive producer Marty Stratton.
  • Doom is powered by IdTech 6, and will be for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. They are "committed" to 1080P at 60 frames-per-second.
  • Wonderfully gory close range executions, including special ones for dropping down on enemies from above.
  • Revenants now have jetpacks and can hover about while firing rockets at you.
  • At least one weapon, the combat shotgun, has an alternate fire mode, which allows you to charge up and release multiple shells in rapid succession.
  • Sprinting, double-jumping and mantling are all possible, making for very fluid motion during combat.
  • Enemies can teleport in for old-school style ambushes
  • Dying results in a crazy fatality scene depending on what killed you a la Dead Space. Revenants rip your arms off and punch straight through your combat helment.
  • Old school mechanics. No reloading your clip, hold as many weapons as you want, health and ammo pick-ups etc. NO REGENERATING HEALTH.