Fast-paced combat against multiple enemies at once - Doom 3 this ain't.
Hellknights, cyberdemons, revenants, mancubii, and other classic monsters were spotted throughout the demo.
Classic Doom weapons, including the fan-favorite double-barrell shotgun return. Plasma rifle, rocket launcher, and the good old chainsaw were also shown off.
Go fast. "Doom is not about about taking cover" said executive producer Marty Stratton.
Enemies can teleport in for old-school style ambushes
Old school mechanics. No reloading your clip, hold as many weapons as you want, health and ammo pick-ups etc. NO REGENERATING HEALTH.
Revenants now have jetpacks and can hover about while firing rockets at you.
"I try really, really hard for this to be a dev first, dev-lead thing," said Pete Hines [Bethesda Softworks VP of PR and Marketing], and id Software isn't ready for a worldwide reveal of Doom.
"We’re working with them to say, ‘How does this work? What do we want to show?’ And they’re like, ‘Look, we don’t want a stream to go up for a game that isn’t at the point where we would formally show it to the world, and now that thing is getting picked apart, and digested, and gone through frame-by-frame and getting nitpicked to death, when normally we wouldn’t be showing this to anybody at all.’”
If it normally wouldn’t be shown to anybody, why show it at all? Aside from not wanting yet another QuakeCon without Doom, Hines says he wanted to quell doubts about Doom and the id Software team, which “bothered the hell” out of him. At the same time, he didn't want to "deal with the repercussions" of a formal announcement, which would come with too many expectations.
"I really wanted to put something out there that, in a strong way, said, ‘id is working on something that we think is really cool,’" said Hines. "And we wanted ... to show something to [id Software fans] that gives them the confidence that it is still a viable studio that’s doing really cool stuff, that is making a game you want to play, and is treating Doom with the care and respect that you want.
"And now we’re going to go away and go back to making the game, but to be able to counter other people talking about us and we’re sort of just sitting here staying silent, or operating from this negative space of like, ‘Oh, it got rebooted, oh it’s in trouble.’ All of that stuff just bothered the hell out of me."
As for the fans who couldn’t make it to QuakeCon, Hines says “there was no perfect version” for the reveal. Trying to get Doom ready to “bring a bunch of press guys in” would have meant missing QuakeCon again. The private showing was a compromise: id Software earns renewed confidence, QuakeCon attendees aren't disappointed, and Bethesda can go back to being quiet about Doom until it's ready.
“Next year is normally when I think we would’ve started,” said Hines, so Doom will likely be revealed publicly then. He went on to express that plans can change, and it’s even possible he’ll be asked to post the stream, but then clarified, “I don’t think there’s any way that happens.” 2015 it is.
They made a game based on that crappy Karl Urban movie? What a world.
They made a game based on that crappy Karl Urban movie? What a world.
The movie was actually based off a comic book, critically-acclaimed for its groundbreaking dialogue, as well as ahead of its time theories on doors.
After the comic and movie, they made a mildly successful series of video games.
I saw the Doom 4 preview at Quakecon and was very disappointed. It looked and felt like Doom 3 instead of Doom 1 and 2. Monsters looked just like Doom 3 too.
Sadly the iconic design of the music, sounds, and monsters of Doom 1 and 2 were not in Doom 4. Very let down but maybe they have change it since then.
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