What if you actually read the article in the first post?? Did you seriously read it?? I'm guessing not because it clearly states it only shuts off the phone when the vehicle is in motion. When they are stopped the driver has full function of their phone. You said it yourself in an earlier post that you pull over to read your text messages. Why is it impossible to do this with phone calls in emergencies?
"While the specifics differ, the general idea is the same. When a cell phone or a vehicle exceeds a certain speed, determined by the car and transmitted via Bluetooth or by the speed of the cell phone itself as measured by cell phone towers, the phone is automatically disabled."
But if it's disabled, how do you know you have a call or a text? That's the point I'm trying to make. If someone needed to get a hold of me, how could they with a diabled phone? Am I supposed to pull over to check my phone every 5 minutes just in case? Like I said, I have no problem pulling over to make a call, but I want someone to be able to get a hold of me in an emergency. If my phone is diabled, aka shut off, how can they?