You dont know true quality until you own a doom or hulk pf. Its a shame they all aren't like that.. how awesome would that be.
Just collected my Doom PF after selling the Ex last year, Its only the standard one though so may need to acquire one of those custom pedestals
Congrats Brett, definately look into getting the custom chalice and pedestal. Some who have owned the EX say its better than the is mine
that custom pedistal is kick ***.![]()
cool, where did you get that pedestal?
Congrats Brett, definately look into getting the custom chalice and pedestal. Some who have owned the EX say its better than the is mine
Cheers mate can you PM details of where to get the chalice and costs?
I was watching one out of curiosity but it didn't sell. The bidding started from $2000 though
Where can I buy a non-original pedestral chalice...![]()
I'd like to know also for an alternate to display with my EX, what's better than Doom with 1 pimp cup!? Double fisting with 2 Pimp cups!