Super Freak
Thanks guys. Thanksgiving week is now booked.
How does this stack up against Skyrim? Anywhere remotely as good? Never played this series but I've been tempted to pick this up.
Its not necessary but it would help to at least know whats going on in the world and why. This guy did a pretty good article to fill people in on it before starting this:
A Beginner's Guide To All Things Dragon Age
id say it's as good, not nearly as large and not free roaming- linear. It's basically Mass Effect/KOTOR with swords/sorcery. And battles are more command based than hack n slash- u can pause the action to issue commands to teammates, then unpause and they carry it out. (Only speaking for the first game- they screwed up the sequel IMO)
Another good place to check out game, if you have the time, is Twitch.tv
Go there, browse their games, final a channel.
You can basically watch someone else play the game live.
About 20 hours in and I still feel like I'm only just seeing how big this beast is. Spent 3 hours in a new area today (forget the name) and barely scratched the surface of it's collectibles and tasks. It's freakin epic. Probably going to be my GOTY at this rate.
Ive run inti a serious technical problem. During some scenes, the game seems to stall. Sometimes I can mash buttons and continue, but ive reach one scene in a mission wherr it crashes every time at the same spot. Its a side quest, but obviously not acceptable. So frustrating. Im completely in love with this game and to have such a major problem is not good. I hope they patch this soon.
Ok, so I looked into it and its apparently a major issue a lot of people are having. I havrnt tried it yet, but some are saying that if you wait a while, it will sometimes correct itself. If not, tapping square (PS4) sometimes fixes it after a while, but youll skip some of the conversation...not a very good fix.since its a widespread thing, im sure theyll patch it.
Ive run into conversation bugs and 1 corrupted save. Aside from that things have been okay but its aggravating to miss the dialogue.
Missed dialogue? I don't think I've had that yet. Or I may have, I just wouldn't know it. One bug I've noticed are letters and books to read that you find wherever. Sometimes, they've