Super Freak
Ugh, hours upon hours into this and I find myself wanting to completely change my character.
Ugh, hours upon hours into this and I find myself wanting to completely change my character.
Right? I chose an Archer class, but it feels a bit boring to me. I'm thinking of switching to a swordsman class.....but I also feel myself wanting to change my race as well.
Seriously, I wish I went human. I also hate the face I created. What class, race, gender did you use?
Im 45 hours in and still enjoying my mage. I plan to do a second playthrough with a dual wielding rogue.
Anyone having this problem?
Not too much of a spoiler. It's a problem with a specific quest.
I have this problem. This blows man.
Are you on the PC?
I'm a human warrior, I seem to be the least effective guy in my party which is odd since I'm supposedly the "chosen one". I think I'd like to play as a Mage so I can become a Knight Enchanter which I read is vastly over powered. I dunno, my character just feels sooooo boring but I'm at the mission where I'm about to get Skyhold, I've done most of the Hinterlands and all of the Storm Coast as well as recruited all but one of my party members.....do I really want to go back and start over.
Never thought about playing a Mage class. How is it battle?
Has anyone had freezing or audio issues with this game on Xbox One?