Did anyone get that rug mouse pad? If so, how does it look? The one from the Mego-type figure looks good, but pretty small.
I know Snake had one and I think Emarae does as well.
Did anyone get that rug mouse pad? If so, how does it look? The one from the Mego-type figure looks good, but pretty small.
Still a must get....
Still looking I take it?
Still looking.....but it will happen eventually....someone is selling a full RM Blondie set on ebay now....so eventually grail pieces like that will pop up...but with everything that is coming out....especially Pulp Fiction...that takes priority....actually excited because it will be the first RM figure that i purchase
Still looking.....but it will happen eventually....someone is selling a full RM Blondie set on ebay now....so eventually grail pieces like that will pop up...but with everything that is coming out....especially Pulp Fiction...that takes priority....actually excited because it will be the first RM figure that i purchase
Odell, take a deep breath man. No one is worried about what you or what you don't buy. Just do your thing. :cool
Yeah but i gotta put the word out because someone will eventually let their Dude go.......
You don't know that. Don't take this the wrong way but it sounds like your trying to convince yourself that your going to get this figure for some kind of crackhead price. I don't think that's going to happen. People know what's up when it comes to this.
I just say....Don't talk about it, Be about it. That's the "realist" advice i can give you. Do your thing.
Moe Productions is tackling the iconic wardrobe look of the dude in the custom interest thread if anybody is interested. List is at 16 and will close at 24 i believe. Set includes classic sweater, pants and i think the shirt. Better get in now if you weren't lucky enough to get the awesome Rainman set.
Has Rainman released any headsculpts painted by Aeon yet?
Like all of them.