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If the EX ES was 200 I'd consider it more but 600 isn't that low IMO. I like having a more limited piece too but I don't care for the ex portrait and I don't really want to break my bank in this case.

600 is pretty darn low I'd say. For a piece that's arguably the best Arnold we have and may ever get.

Especially since the Predator franchise is one of the more popular in the bunch.

Like I said it's the same price for me, so it's a no brainer.
ES isn't low enough for me to consider breaking my bank right now. I can live without the EX. Don't even like the cigar portrait so the reg will do just fine for me if I ever decide I'd like to add it to my collection.
Just open it up, not bad at all, the only thing I will complain is the body is too light, and I can't push the body all the way.
600 is pretty darn low I'd say. For a piece that's arguably the best Arnold we have and may ever get.

Especially since the Predator franchise is one of the more popular in the bunch.

Like I said it's the same price for me, so it's a no brainer.

Its a ****load fewer than some of the SW and DC figs are coming out at.
Its a ****load fewer than some of the SW and DC figs are coming out at.

**** yeah. They are up in the 2500 range if not more. Dutch aint even got that many pieces total!

I am jealous I didn't see that 3PO and R2 only had a run of 200 on the EX. Now that is some heavy collectors stuff right there.
**** yeah. They are up in the 2500 range if not more. Dutch aint even got that many pieces total!

I am jealous I didn't see that 3PO and R2 only had a run of 200 on the EX. Now that is some heavy collectors stuff right there.

I was one of those to grab the R2/C3PO exclusive but the more i have had time to think about it i actually think the regular base would fit in better with my collection rather than have the 2 droids on separate bases...:(
Great pics man! For sure a winning statue!
Great pics. mattman 6886.Some of the best I've seen here so far.
best pics great Mattman :clap
This pic is the best I have seen yet.

Thanks a lot guys! :hi5:

It doesn't look like it's in his mouth. It just looks like an extension.

They did a great job with the Ex. head IMO. Definitely looks like it's in his mouth in person to me. I mean the regular's great and all, but I can't see myself displaying it without the stogie!

Mine is on FedEx truck out for delivery right now. Should be here within the next couple hours.
Just hope the returned items don't get sent out to wait list customers.

No big deal. If it doesn't convert I can get the regular locally for slightly less.
Ex not a must on this one but always nice to have the lower ES.
Congrats! :clap
What happened to Roberto's? :rotfl
Fingers crossed for mine. :pray:
If it converts they said they would move the NRD I had on the Classic Pred over. Every little helps.