DX02 residue in abdominal area, has yours shown signs of it?

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Has your DX02 shown signs of residue buildup in the abdominal area?

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I got a THIRD batch and it has horrible oil problems... leaks every single day...
I try to leave it 203 days because i don't want to damage him and touch his abs too much..
afterall, he's such an expensive collectible...
i hoped that being a third, the problems will dissapear, but no.
i am sad but not for myself, but for the figure, it destroys it's amazing look.
but i'm still very happy with it.
Again the problem is not whether we get replacements for this one or not anymore. The problem is that if this policy stays in place and survives this initial phase you will be looking at HT to hold on to this policy from now on.... or worse. So the worst case scenario would be exchange only within the first 30 days (which they have in place but not enforced for TDK) and only one exchange... so if another figure has an acceptable problem, would you wait until actual solution is in place (DX02 took 4 months to do so) and pray they will still exchange it or exchange it on the spot to wave any rights to get one that actually resolves the problem?
I am at awe that ppl rowdied up against HT about the non confirmed IMBD headsculp but are so accepting to this real problem and the resulting new policy. Sorry but I have to say these ppl seem extremely shallow to me.
I cannot think of any new and non-perishable product that carries this kind of policy and it makes it worse that HT is the best at their game and we cannot simply flip them the finger and buy from someone else :( If there would be a comparable company do you even think we would have this discussion? We would cut our losses and move on
If there would be a comparable company do you even think we would have this discussion? We would cut our losses and move on
But there isn't one, so HT has us all by the balls. Same as EBay. They suck. Their policies suck. Their fees suck. Paypal sucks. But what can you do? Nothing. So you grin and bear it. As long as HT hits a home run 8 out of every 10 at-bats, you deal with the occasional stinker and their pitiful excuse for customer service.
I can understand some of you guys being pissed off. But you know what you can do? Throw your figure up on eBay now, and make your money back. Then spend your money on something else if you can't stand this figure. I think that's a pretty simple solution that could calm your nerves about things.

NO. To get "your money back" would require you to do so without mentioning the leaking issue, or any of the other issues your Batman might have. That's fraud and the quickest way to get a complaint filed against you with both PayPal and EbaY. And in the end, you'll still be left with your DX Batman, no cash due to the mandatory refund by Paypal to the buyer and a negative feedback that won't get removed.

Morally I don't see how someone could do to a fellow collector what HT did to them. But that's another issue entirely and I'd like to think we, as a community, are above that.
I never said that you should place a fraudulent listing, and never implied such. You think people won't buy because of the leaky abs? I don't. Maybe the price won't go as high as if you guarantee that yours doesn't have this issue and won't have it (which I don't think anyone can promise), but I think many people will accept it rather than doing without.
yeah I would not sell my leaky bat even "as is". I rather dissect it myself
as for choice ... ppl can choose to buy from the DCD release which does not leak (or at least so far it seems..)
I never said that you should place a fraudulent listing, and never implied such. You think people won't buy because of the leaky abs? I don't. Maybe the price won't go as high as if you guarantee that yours doesn't have this issue and won't have it (which I don't think anyone can promise), but I think many people will accept it rather than doing without.

Never said you did. But to get your money back would require you to list it without mention of the issues. That is fraud. And given how overcritical buyers are on ebay (they'll demand a 20% refund for a tiny bend in the corner of a box), I seriously doubt they'd accept a faulty item at the DX MSRP.
I got a THIRD batch and it has horrible oil problems... leaks every single day...
I try to leave it 203 days because i don't want to damage him and touch his abs too much..
afterall, he's such an expensive collectible...
i hoped that being a third, the problems will dissapear, but no.
i am sad but not for myself, but for the figure, it destroys it's amazing look.
but i'm still very happy with it.

How could you get it from the third batch if its not even out yet? Or you got a bad replacement or what? Where did you get it anyway? I just somehow cannot see if HT already has a fixed Batman but they still going with the leaking suit at the third batch.
How could you get it from the third batch if its not even out yet? Or you got a bad replacement or what? Where did you get it anyway? I just somehow cannot see if HT already has a fixed Batman but they still going with the leaking suit at the third batch.

Probably a re-issue with the halfassed wax paper fix.
Yes that probably be the case. I really hope the third batch will not leak. I already spend my hard earned money for it and I am hoping its problem free. Fingers crossed....:monkey1
Have to chuckle at your HT apologist post. To be fair, you really ain't got ____ on Sideshow. They'll allow several returns and exchanges and if you're still not satisfied, they'll refund your money. Hot Toys won't even honor their faulty replacements let alone multiple replacements for those who bought more than one DX. HUGE difference in my book. And let's not forget about the price. It's almost double what Sideshow's charging. So might want to get those facts straight before ya start comparing the two companies. While I agree to some extent, that SSC's QC isn't where it should be, their customer service is literally the best in the industry. ...just sayin' :huh

You know nam, after all this time with these issues he's never once chimed into this thread until now, until someone cancels orders. Why should he even care or even post when I cancel orders. It's not even going to affect him.

Yet reading his posts it's like someone took his sweets away while he goes into a hissy fit.
For me a company has to be regularly ____ing up with their releases before i start for my pitchfork and wear my underpants on the outside...:dunno

:lol :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock

NAM, if I see you wright the word "apologist" one more time I'm gonna scream...

I have this figure, and yeah, his abs leak. But it doesn't bother me so much now. I do worry about long-term deterioration, but I'm not losing any sleep over it. Hot Toys releases the finest articulated figures on the market from great licenses. I'm not going to even pretend that I would boycott them over something like this. Should they "make right"? To the extent that it makes financial sense. But they aren't gonna lose many customers to this, IMO. As such, I don't know if it would be worth their while to do more than they are already (as little as it is).

I can understand some of you guys being pissed off. But you know what you can do? Throw your figure up on eBay now, and make your money back. Then spend your money on something else if you can't stand this figure. I think that's a pretty simple solution that could calm your nerves about things.


This is such a logical, sane, and well thought out post that I had to quote it.

I agree with every word. :duff

(As far as "make your money back" is concerned, you might not get MSRP back, but you could make enough back to put the whole thing behind you. There will be plenty of people willing to buy the leaky ab version if it's cheaper than the DCD release.)
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NAM, if I see you wright the word "apologist" one more time I'm gonna scream...

Then scream _____. Why the ____ are you even here? You have your DCD Dx, it's fine and you really don't get it. Go play with your Batman and have fanboy trouser creampies in your HT Underoos. Hell, you and Wander can do apologistic gay high-fives to HT awesomeness for all I care. Seriously man, you really are just ____ing clueless.
He's here to stir up trouble with his flawless release to rub it into peoples noses and with the help of his buddy, Wanderer. The dynamic duo.
Not gonna get into a name calling debate.

I don't have to have the leaky Batman to understand the issues and have an opinion.

He's here to stir up trouble with his flawless release to rub it into peoples noses and with the help of his buddy, Wanderer. The dynamic duo.

And no, that is decidedly not why I am here.
Yet Maglor keeps coming in trying to make himself feel superior because he is part of the DCD release.

"I don't have to have the leaky Batman to understand the issues and have an opinion."

Yeah, Maglor because you never got burned. Thats why you don't have to understand.
And no, that is decidedly not why I am here.

No, you're here with childish intentions to create a flame war because your favorite company is being targeted. Seriously kid, grow the ____ up. People here are at whit's end with this issue and are being burned. Clearly you can't understand that because as you've so thoughtlessly posted in your "BE HAPPY FOR ME FOR WAITING FOR DCD!" gay rants, YOU NEVER OWNED THE FLAWED FIGURE! Based on that alone, there's absolutely no possible insight you could ever offer in this thread. So there's really no other reason why you're here.
I do chuckle at some of the rabble rousing posts...Hot Toys release a great figure albeit with a defect and we're getting talk of spamming their FB page and boycotting future releases...why?! Over one bad figure?:cuckoo: For me a company has to be regularly ____ing up with their releases before i start for my pitchfork and wear my underpants on the outside...:dunno Can i point out that Sideshow and their flakey paint that seems to hit every other high end release, coupled with their Stevie Wonder levels of QC is a far better candidate for your boycott:monkey3 Just saying...

I dont mean to add fuel to fire , but with HT its more than just ONE bad figure. For the money that many have put out for this, HT needs to step up (and not just the new batch, but to all those collectors who bought the figs since day one) This is far from the only figure HT has released with problems. Problems with the Rambo, Alien, etc.. figs are well known to all. I can understand the frustraion, especially if you got a "leaker". I still dont get why peeps try to play down the defect as no major deal. This is an almost $200 collectible!