Thats the one I was looking for.
Google, thou hast failed me for the last tiiiiiime!!!!!!!!!!!!
Google, thou hast failed me for the last tiiiiiime!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, but why?
Even if you think that Bale Batman is better, you can't possibly think that he's that much better. I've seen you post about non-Nolan Batman entities like comics and movies, you seem to have a pretty broad interest in the character, like myself. I know we're all entitled to our opinions but why were you so reluctant with this classic Batman from the get go?
It's not like Adam West, or a random Batman and even with it's problems it's a better figure than the DX 02 and Medix.
So Hot Toys could announce a new and improved DX ## TDKR Batman for, let's say, $250, and figure wise it's on par with this '89 Batman . . . but it has oil and you'd still buy it/want it?
Then there's ____ing TickTock who has had this figure for a while, two of them even and he NEVER opened them, even before this issue was brought up last week.![]()
I don't think 89 Bats is a better figure than the Medix with or without its problems. I think they're about par. In fact I don't think i've ever seen a Batman figure as good as Thrustmaster's medix. It just pops!
But anyway - coming back to the point, yes I am a big Batman fan overall, comics, movies, videogames, BTAS, everything. But for whatever reason, apart from the very best comic books (The Long Halloween, Year One, The Killing Joke, to name a few), no Batman interpretation has ever impacted me the way Nolan's films have.
I did indeed grow up with 89 Batman and the Kenner figures like many of the rest of you guys, even now I consider Batman a good movie (if not a great one), but it was nostalgia + the fact that HT did such a great job with the DX08 and DX09 that pushed me over into pre-ordering them. I would love to re-order them both once Batman is confirmed to be issue free a few months down hopefully, but right now i'm coming to the realization that given space and budget constraints, I would much rather have the most complete and highest quality 1/6 collection of the best interpretation of Batman on film in my eyes, than a 'little of everything' type of collection.
Now if one day I end up with a ton more space and more money, i'd probably buy up a lot more Batman/DC collectibles from a range of other movies and video games etc. But just trying to prioritize and live within my means at the moment.
Chalk up number 7 then![]()
If we are to use the DX02 debacle as a basis for's just a matter of time.....
I want a perfect version of this figure so much I will end up with 5 of them.. all pissing themselves into puddles of black goo.
That's a tough spot to be in. If you can live with the possibility that it will get worse and you won't be able to return it then, then keep it.
Worst case you could sell it as a damaged figure on ebay and still hope to recover a good proportion of your money.
I don't think 89 Bats is a better figure than the Medix with or without its problems. I think they're about par.
*Remy is on ignore*
So far 7 figures from 6 collectors have experienced oil secretions,
1. Rory (1st Batman)
2. Rory (2nd Batman)
3. The Boot
4. CollectorNC
5. King Darkness (I think)
6. schokolade
7. MR Regan (wiped off/pics don't contain oil)
2 figures/2 collectors are unsure if it's oil or simply tape residue from the glue of the belt (left side around magnet),
1. Maglor
2. UltraMarknus
24 collectors have checked and claimed to have not had signs of oil so far,
1. Myself
2. Jye
3. Evilface
4. Batty
5. PJW
6. Custo
7. highlander1
8. zeelhar
9. IrishJedi
10. Cocoboloboy
11. Karnis
12. preeny101
13. mikericm
14. Natrix
15. Guyver (If anyone had oil I thought for sure it would be this guy)
16. tommyh84
17. cr0w
18. T-?
19. Mr. EcKo
20. DGTWoodward
21. Crimsonbob
22. MaulFan
23. Michael Crawford
24. OMG
I've checked facebook, onesixthwarriors and a few Asian message boards but so far, we freaks are the only ones that seem to be experiencing problems. I'm sure that will change once more collectors become aware.