Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics
I'm ecstatic with this figure.
I'm more of an Aliens than a Terminator nut but I do appreciate that T1 and T2 are iconic of two eras of cinema: T1 the mainstream arrival of generation 2000AD's illicit, ultra violent aesthetic, T2 the glorious swansong of traditional SFX and the arrival of CGI.
I skipped the MMS version but regretted it after seeing it on display, so picking up DX10 was a no brainer even though I had concerns about the sculpt.
Having it in hand the sculpt is creepily good. I won't split hairs over which is the better sculpt because the instant reaction to both in hand is "Wow, that's Arnold - how the hell did they do it?"
Add the PERS, the leather, the artillery and the light up base, and you have 1991 itself in 1/6 form. For sheer instant, iconic impact, this blows away every other figure I own, including my beloved HT Colonial Marines.
I can just manage a pass on the BD version - as I say, Terminator isn't really where I live. I'll save the bucks and dream about HT licensing the Aliens: Colonial Marines game...Working shoulder lamps, new weapons, custom armour, body prosthesis, Looooooooord!