When I first saw the announcement for the new battle damaged version, I was shocked, angry, pissed because I had just received DX10. But now that I've had a think about it, and looked through all the photos, I'm not pissed at all. I am really excited about the new release because it is the perfect complement to DX10!
You really have to hand it to the Hot Toys marketing and strategy folks. They know they grown heaps over the past couple of years, so there are plenty of new collectors (like me) who never got the MMS figure. So of course they would release the normal T-800 version first as pretty much the appettiser to the main course of the battle damaged version!! This way they cater to the widest possible audience in order to make the largest possible amount of money!! Perfect business sense in my book.
As long as HT continues to make quality figures (and this one looks top notch!), then they will continue to grow and become even more successful.
I for one think that since the head sculpts are pretty much the same in both DX10 and this new one bar the obvious battle damage, they perfectly complement each other in a display. I will definitely be getting the new DX too.