Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics
Are we to expect some pics from you anytime soon, I know I already have this but I still love seeing the in-hand pics of this piece.
Also pics or it did'nt happen
Just got mine. Pretty freaking nice, for starters. Still, like the DX12, i'm just failing to see where my $250 went. Beautiful figure, no doubt, but when you're spending $250-$300 in a "DX" figure i'd assume the ankles would be stronger. The little things. Even my Nicholson DX Joker has the worst ankles. Those that know me know I don't like using stands.
Rant over.
The accessories are really nice too. The outfit is ridiculously nice, even the grenades are pretty much spot on to accurate. The grenade launcher could've used a bit of weathering.
I may be alone when I say that I feel like its a waste to use this figure with so many weapons and accessories on him. What I mean is, it's a shame to cover up the amazing jacket and pants.
Are we to expect some pics from you anytime soon, I know I already have this but I still love seeing the in-hand pics of this piece.
Also pics or it did'nt happen