And in situations where things get lost but it quite likely isn't the sellers fault what kind of feedback should I give if any? And should I just eat the loss?
They may yet turn up but if they don't that'll be 3 orders this year that have disappeared off the face of the earth. I also had a single Star Wars figure coming from a UK site that still hasn't arrived and thats dating back further. This despite a different larger order from that same site, placed after, arriving almost immediately the very next week. Is it something about smaller packages and envelopes that postal services prioritise less or are just far more inclined to lose. I better be careful that I'm ordering something sufficiently large in future.
I've never had packages go missing on me before and it could be 3 this year so far.
Where have you ordered from vodoun??
The Big Badda Boom store.
a-dev, I'd give it a bit more time. I've had stuff take well over a month. It can sometimes go a slow route or get caught up somewhere.
Yeah, I've just put an order in as nearly every place I've looked in the UK is sold out and what's left here they're wanting well over £220 - £230 with £10 shipping. Some as high as £280, like Minimodelshop.
I'm not missing out on this again. Since I originally wanted another MMS to do the minigun and grenade launcher until the DX came on the scene.
The Big Badda Boom store.
I don't so much have a problem with the fact that all of the various Iron Man armours are getting figures - it would be hypocritical of me to be p!$$ed off by that when I would most likely lap up every Terminator variation they put out. What annoys me is the remaking of figures that really aren't all that old, and aren't so obviously dated as to really justify remaking and maybe putting delays on other licenses. I mean if they show a remake of the clean T2 T-800 before they ever show a BD version I will seriously question WTF Hot Toys is thinking - and that comes from someone who actually doesn't think that MMS117 is perfect.
I think the greatest positive to come out of this is that HT has returned to Terminator. Yes its not what everyones been wanting for the past 2 years and many fans have already created a Cyberdyne version from the COOmodels accessory packs but its obviously back in their consciousness. I'm optimistic that the BD version will come................................................................................................................................
However, despite negatives I feel about this particular figure right here....I'm still ____ing thrilled. An end to the HT Terminator drought, plus the Enterbay news. I'm more happy than p!$$ed to be honest.
HAHA! Was searching the forum and incidentally found this post by me in january 2012 BEFORE DX10 was announced/shown.
And yet compare it to my actual first reaction to DX10:
1 week to go folks til I get my DX10!!!
Anyone got a Blade 2 or Indiana Jones for sale at reasonable prices??
Yeah it's just that most places are asking silly prices for it. I appreciate Indiana Jones comes with a lot of accessories, was hoping to pick one up 2nd hand tho.
Look at our puny Ahhnold compared to the Endo:
Is it me or are the arms too long? It can almost scratch it's knees without bending!! Lol
His arms are nearly the same length as his legs. Just looks wrong to me.
Just saying. If you look at the DX10 where his hand is to his thigh its much higher (right length) than the endo. Unless the endo was an infiltration chimp?? Lol