$200 is an excellent price.
At long as it's in good condition, yes. PERS are wonky, but I personally think it looks great with the glasses on.
$200 is an excellent price.
Hey buddy thank you for the compliment.^^ Wowzers, that looks great, I got the old MMS Terminator with flower box but even I would be tempted by this. Are they individual roses? The HT roses are all one piece and don't look very good out of the box.
Same here buddy. Sent you a pm too.I hope someone makes a T1 Sarah Conor, that's the only one I'm really missing.
It's not all one plastic piece buddy. They're all individual roses
How do you like the rosebox buddy?
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Decided to repaint mine to try and bring the likeness forward also weathered to he clothes and swapped that skinny body for a slightly bulkier one. Pretty happy with the results.Very nice, Yeah the Kyle Reese fig is well worth picking up. Cant see HT re-visiting T1.
Thanks buddy.definitely more alive now.