Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - DX T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics
But there are also people like me that don't mind putting a BD HS on an un-BD body

There are, but, as annoying as HT can be, they do seem to grasp the importance of details to customers, and probably figure majority would not accept a damaged head without the neck and body damage. Occassionally they'll make concessions to make a figure versatile. For example, this DX10 should have a jacket full of bullet holes, but, they're also, despite lack of black t-shirt (and likely they'll add that to the mix before this ships like they did for the MMS117), marketing this figure as able to be the clean T-800 from the opening of the movie before any combat and leaving it up to the individual collector if they want damage to the coat or not.
It's as much about the business side of it all as fandom and accurracy.
Taking this collage for example.
Likely, Hot Toys probably figured with the character being new and the minimal screen time of his damaged look, it made the package sweeter to add a coat and second portrait to make one really good figure that would be popular sell well rather than 2 unique ones that might not do so well.
While fans would love versatility and options for his appearance, I think again, HT looked at the character and opted that 2 separate figures might not do so well for them as 1 solid release so they basically gave us a DX worth of stuff in an MMS package.
I think the inclusion of the second head here was to boost sales of two figures at once. It begs the qustion, why make this Sarah if they feel it needs a really popular accessory for another figure added to it to sell it, but that's what it looks like, they gave fans who wanted the hair down look the option but added to the package to make sure she'd sell well, and it seems like she still didn't anyway.
T1 T-800
I do believe HT staff are still fans, as much as they seem more business-centric lately. How cool is it to have the early BD look from the movie? Very. However, they also knew there would be no way to really do anything with a production figure to make this BD look really different in a second figure from the clean original, so they just added an arm, head and some tools to the basic Tech Noir look figure. If the T1 T-800 did not change in facial appearance as much and in the ways he did, I doubt this figure would have had a second sculpt, but it works.
T2 T-800
So when the WTF of why no extra portrait with the T2 T-800s comes up, I think it's pretty easy to see, business decision. It would better suit them to release a semi/full BD T-800 package with fully accurrate costuming options than to add a BD head half assedly to this DX10 release or the MMS117 figure.
As cool as a full BD figure would look, collectors have come to expect lots of items in the box to validate the price. If you pack the Cyberdyne BD items along with the full steel mill BD gear, then that's a pretty good ammount of stuff for your money, take the Cyberdyne items away and it's a very light release.
While lack of 2nd portrait in this DX10 seems like this doesn't come with much, you still get a lot of accessories, enough to warrant saving anything related to BD scenes for yet another figure. Same reason why they gave a bloody eye head to MMS136 instead of one with the Endo eye exposed, adds to the accessory list for a BD figure from T1.
It's not such a big deal, except that, we have no clue if they'll ever actually make BD T-800s, if they do, it's all good how they've done things to date, but for now, it's frustrating because they're making their collectors hope to get the parts they need with each release because they don't know if they'll ever get it otherwise.