Re: Hot Toys - DX10 - Terminator 2 - T-800 Cyberdyne - Official Specs & Pics
Believe me if you are a Terminator fan or just like 1/6 figures in my opinion you have to Get the DX10 and the DX13....I am new to this forum, I am usually holed up over at OSW....anyone who is familiar with Masamune knows how I feel about HOT TOYS and their prices...If Hot toys never make another Terminator or Blade figure they will be doing me a great service, because that is all they can hold over my wallet

other than that I could care less about them and their over glorified toys The Avengers, Spiderman, Star Wars and like....300 is plain ridiculous to pay for a toy, but I know what the consequences are, me spending the rest of my life regretting not buying I am coughing up the dough...hopefully for the last time....the prices of 1/6 are crazy and headed fast for just plain insane (unless you happen to be rich, then you live in a different world than I do....) I have a 100+ figures and I was just asking myself the other day "When is enough is enough?" Hot Toys answered that question for me....when your average figure is 300 dollars and believe me by 2014 300 will be the ongoing price....
Looking at the DX 10 and all I can say he is a work of beauty.....
Does the forearm have the joint on it or does it remain on the body?
Yep. They revised it pretty heavily and provided no update on it whatsoever. I know they revised the DX04, and I'm pretty sure they showed an updated pic before it was shipped, didn't they? I don't know why they didn't show an updated DX10 proto. It probably would have helped them gain more orders.
Believe me if you are a Terminator fan or just like 1/6 figures in my opinion you have to Get the DX10 and the DX13....I am new to this forum, I am usually holed up over at OSW....anyone who is familiar with Masamune knows how I feel about HOT TOYS and their prices...If Hot toys never make another Terminator or Blade figure they will be doing me a great service, because that is all they can hold over my wallet

Looking at the DX 10 and all I can say he is a work of beauty.....