Just waded through all the E3 news.
I'm really excited by what Microsoft showed (Natal). I just hope it actually gets released at some point. In fact, I *really* hope it gets released because I'm buying a 360 in anticipation of it. (well, that and Netflix, and I guess there are some games too...
Nintendo had a pretty good show, imo. New 2D Mario?!? Yes!!!!
Anybody that played New Super Mario Bros on the DS knows this is HUGE news. New Metroid is also great news! I don't know how I feel about it being developed by Team Ninja though, I don't think I've ever played a Team Ninja game without Itagaki at the helm (have there been any yet?)
Wii Motion Plus is really cool, but they are basically re-promising to deliver what they originally promised when unveiling the Wii-mote. Will the public buy it?
Mario Galaxy 2? Very niiiiiiiiiiice!
Vitality Sensor? Nintendo almost got out of the conference without turning into a parody of itself and the laughing stock of the games community. What the hell were they thinking?
Sony didn't lay down this year, good for them. 256 player multiplayer is impressive, but how many of those other 255 players will be calling me a "gay ^^^^^^"? Final Fantasy 14 next year exclusive to PS3? Who saw that coming? That's fairly bombshell-ish. Sony's motion controls looked kinda "eh" I'll have to see more of it. No slim = sad monkey. No price cut = no consoles sold for Sony. PSPgo is what the PSP should have been. Unfortunately, my PSP gets no play from me and I don't think this hardware will change that.
All in all, this felt like the E3 of old. Good show all around (as far as big 3 conferences). While not everything was for me, there was enough from the big 3 to make everybody happy.