Ebay Boycott Feb 18th-25th

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Yes, fight the urge.

No selling, no buying, NO SEARCHING, don't even log in.

Spend this time looking at our wonderful commerce section!!

That's all they will do is be looking. If I could get ebay prices in our commerce section consistently I would never use ebay.:lol:lol:lol
That's all they will do is be looking. If I could get ebay prices in our commerce section consistently I would never use ebay.:lol:lol:lol

No kidding. I'm usually willing to offer it for less here knowing I won't have to pay the fees and deal with the BS of going through eBay.
No kidding. I'm usually willing to offer it for less here knowing I won't have to pay the fees and deal with the BS of going through eBay.

I usually do that too. Then when no one asks I usually get my stuff sold on ebay(sometimes for more) in a few days.
This is what I usually do. I don't play around anymore here. I list it in the commerce section for a certain price and if someone wants it then they take it but if not it goes straight to ebay. I don't like using Ebay but it often does yield a much greater return.
This is what I usually do. I don't play around anymore here. I list it in the commerce section for a certain price and if someone wants it then they take it but if not it goes straight to ebay. I don't like using Ebay but it often does yield a much greater return.

Believe me, I ****ing hate ebay, but it is the only place you can get good prices for some of this stuff.
Looks like that site was just a bit to bussy earlier.

Auction site count (updates every hour)
Due to the high server load on the Auction Site Count page you have been redirected to this static page that updates every hour

Ebay: 15,151,372 listings -495383
-3.27% February 18, 2008 2:05 pm

I like that! :D -3.27%! It's not much, but it's a start!
Had a look at what i usually look at today and it stills has the same amount of stuff it usually has, kind of disappointing i was hoping there would be nout.
Does anybody think ebay would list fake auctions to counteract the boycott and make it look like it's not effective? I sure do. One thing is for sure- I am staying STRONG! DOWN WITH EBAY!:emperor
Does anybody think ebay would list fake auctions to counteract the boycott and make it look like it's not effective? I sure do. One thing is for sure- I am staying STRONG! DOWN WITH EBAY!:emperor

Which begs the question: Can I have that coupon or not?:monkey5:monkey5:monkey5
Does anybody think ebay would list fake auctions to counteract the boycott and make it look like it's not effective? I sure do. One thing is for sure- I am staying STRONG! DOWN WITH EBAY!:emperor

There are rumblings of test auctions that have sprung up en masse since the start of the boycott. Certainly smells of eBay trying to counteract the exodus of sellers.

I think it's account specific, meaning you have to use my account to make the coupon work. It's like those recent paypal coupons they issued over the holidays.

You would think those bastards over there would send me one. I am a powerseller and these changes are supposed to "help" people like me.:lol:lol:lol Another reason I won't be listing anything this week on ebay.
I'm in on the boycott. My wife and I signed petitions last night, and pulled all her listings off (she sells cosmetics). I won't be listing, buying, or even broswing this week. I really hope they change their stance, but I seriously doubt they will....

The final value hike and feedback changes are absolutely absurd! Don't these guys that run ebay get enough money out of this as it is???
All I can say is this almost 3% drop off is hardly going to effect them. :rotfl I am all for it but really this is not going to work.
All I can say is this almost 3% drop off is hardly going to effect them. :rotfl I am all for it but really this is not going to work.

While 3% isn't much, I think it is a little early to declair the boycott a failure.
Yeah, while a boycott is a GREAT idea, ..unless the MAJORITY of people get in on it....nothing will happen or change. It's just like government...5000 people protest, they go.."Meh..".

But 5000000 people...and you got their undivided attention.

The only problem is, getting that many people interested, AND willing to do something. And, just like with the eBay problem, i don't think that many people are going to bother with the boycott.

I mean if someone had a GREY HULK listed...$250 Buy-it now....Would you hold to your principles???:lol

But, I totally agree with the boycott...There is nothing like STICKING TO THE MAN!!!! Or, at least trying to...:eek: