Ebay Boycott Feb 18th-25th

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You would think those bastards over there would send me one. I am a powerseller and these changes are supposed to "help" people like me.:lol:lol:lol Another reason I won't be listing anything this week on ebay.

HAH! I'm a powerseller too and those buttholes never EVER send me the fun coupons. :monkey2:monkey2
Sorry to go off topic, but is that Grimm Jack in your avatar? I don't think he's very well-known here in Europe. I have only seen one comic of him. Intrigant character.

Ah yes - it's GrimJack all right!

Awesome character that's sunk into obscurity (I miss the old First Comics days...). One of the few comic characters that kept evolving and changing up to the end. I love those old books. The newer "Killer Instinct" mini series was pretty cool too!

Here in the US, they've been re-releasing the series in TPB form, they're up to book 8 I believe. Probably just a few more until they've covered the entire series. I'm looking forward to the Flint Henry run TPB's, should be starting with book 9!

Anbody have any news on the effectiveness of this boycott. I haven't heard anything positive....:monkey2
Anbody have any news on the effectiveness of this boycott. I haven't heard anything positive....:monkey2

Auction counts were down about 2 million mid-week. Something strange happened and the counts began rising at a very steady rate. There are some who believe that eBay has been doing anything in its power to counter the losses.

One thing was the test auctions - sometimes 10,000 at a time. Then it was found that some foreign auctions (UK, etc) were being folded into the US site, thereby increasing the numbers as well.

During the week, there was a UK sale of LPs for 3 million bucks. This actually increased the eBay stock value by $0.30 for some time. Not sure where the stock price is right now.

For those looking into an alternative, I started listing on eBid. They are running a special where for $49.95 you can get lifetime without final value fees. They have a lot of the same things as eBay did (regular auction, dutch, Buy-It-Now) along with some unique things as well (one setting will start the auction process when the first bid is placed). If you use the Gallery auction, the final value fee is only 2% - let's see eBay beat that one. Sure the traffic is not as high, but the membership has been steadily increasing.

Anyone interested in this alternative, check out https://us.four.ebid.net/perl/normal.cgi?ref=zombiereign&mo=register-main
Auction counts were down about 2 million mid-week. Something strange happened and the counts began rising at a very steady rate. There are some who believe that eBay has been doing anything in its power to counter the losses.

One thing was the test auctions - sometimes 10,000 at a time. Then it was found that some foreign auctions (UK, etc) were being folded into the US site, thereby increasing the numbers as well.

During the week, there was a UK sale of LPs for 3 million bucks. This actually increased the eBay stock value by $0.30 for some time. Not sure where the stock price is right now.

For those looking into an alternative, I started listing on eBid. They are running a special where for $49.95 you can get lifetime without final value fees. They have a lot of the same things as eBay did (regular auction, dutch, Buy-It-Now) along with some unique things as well (one setting will start the auction process when the first bid is placed). If you use the Gallery auction, the final value fee is only 2% - let's see eBay beat that one. Sure the traffic is not as high, but the membership has been steadily increasing.

Anyone interested in this alternative, check out https://us.four.ebid.net/perl/normal.cgi?ref=zombiereign&mo=register-main

Interesting.. thanks for the heads up on ebid, I may look into this now as I'm really getting disgusted with Ebay...
Anbody have any news on the effectiveness of this boycott. I haven't heard anything positive....:monkey2

I haven't heard anything about it... I am guessing it really isn't going to do much to them since everyone will just buy their stuff on Tuesday.
i didn't think a boycott would work. protesting and boycotts haven't been effective since the 1960s, when there were real life hippies. :lol


and here's a modern day protest against the war in iraq. didn't help.

I don't know about anyone else but I checked out all the sites that were suggested as alternatives and I found SQUAT.........put in names for items I have been looking for and ........nothing. has anyone else found this to be true or only me?:confused:
Yeah, unfortunately the other sites just do not get the same traffic.. It really is a shame too. I'm still trying not to sell on the bay due their changes (was already unhappy with their fees to begin with), but I will admit that I bought something today :chase
Sorry to bump this up, but it happened. My wifes paypal account has been put on hold while they research a payment. The auction ended on the 2nd.. the person paid, she mailed the item but last night they decided to hold the payment.. needles to say she is none to happy. And even better it is only $40. She tried to call but they were "closed" so she had to email them.. l can't wait to see why they waited a week + to decide to look into it.
Well, since we're talking about it... I now am facing the largst Ebay bill I have seen yet. It is for ~$200. I had to unload some stuff to make room, and in the last 31 days I've sold ~$2k. That's ~10%.

I used to assume a 10% loss due to Ebay listing/final valuation fees AND paypal fees. Now I can chalk that 10% up just to Ebay fees alone. I'm expecting a 15-20% loss of profit due to fees (Ebay plus paypal). Really does seem excessive. Who does Ebay think they are, the IRS?!?!

Why hasn't Google stepped up to the plate. I am in no way a fan of Ebay, but they serve a purpose, for now, till hopefully, sooner rather than later, an alternative comes along.