So I bought an item from ebay from a seller that had pretty good feedback. The item came in damaged and the seller pretty much told me to deal with it myself. I said fine be that way. Then I gave him the negative I felt was warranted. I have never in my whole time on ebay had to give someone a negative. Well, once I did this guy went ballistic. He has sent me threatening emails which tell me he is going to punish me and send me to court if I don't take my negative back. He has called me a ^^^^ing liar. He has also opened up an unpaid item dispute which I find absurd since there is obvious proof I paid through Paypal.
This guy is acting like such a little baby. I have already reported the threatening emails and followed up on the unpaid item dispute. I feel I really should not have to do this for giving an honest feedback rating. What else should I do guys? This guy has obviously not matured past the age of 9. :emperor
This guy is acting like such a little baby. I have already reported the threatening emails and followed up on the unpaid item dispute. I feel I really should not have to do this for giving an honest feedback rating. What else should I do guys? This guy has obviously not matured past the age of 9. :emperor

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