Insufferable S.O.B.
It's amazing that the original silicone mold was in good enough shape to even make a cast from.
Originally Posted by SpaceCrawler
My brother worked for Rick for years and I met Rick several times. I have photos I took in his house in 1978 of a bunch of the Star Wars aliens (cantina band, etc) he made for the film.
Would love to see those pics!!![]()
The Original cantina alien heads look so much better than the ones from the PT.
I think the story behind the original Death star is more interesting. Now I am CERTAINLY NO EXPERT, but I didn't think Rick Baker made the helmet. I thought he was just brought on board to ad cantina aliens for the pic up shots done before the release of SW? I remember Lucas shot aditional footage here in the states to give the cantina more life. Guess I should reread the making of SW and perhaps check the anotated screen plays.
That's interesting about Bottin. Makeup expert on Robocop as well. Don't know who's the best. Baker, Wrightson or Bottin.(of course thats just MHO) Although, offhand I don't know a hole lotta movies that Bottin did. But thats another discussion.
I thought the orginal helmet was mad in england?
GINO shared some insight (and good news) on the RPF:
think it's too early to hope for a proto at SDCC?