BuffyGirl I don't know if anybody answered your question about vengeance Willow yet. But I had the same issue and I spoke to the guys and Michael Crawford toy review. They suggested I use a hair dryer on low on the smoke aspect of the statue and GENTLY work it backwards. I did it for both the right side and left side, now Willow stands upright. If you are not comfy with that order some clear earthquake wax from amazon and model it in the tendrils to balance her.
Here you go all, the line-up.
They look awesome together!!!!!![]()
I never did order Glory from that one online retailer. I decided to hold off. I found a local retailer (who I never even knew existed until a few weeks ago) that is expecting a few in with the next week or so. That way I can inspect in person and avoid shipping costs too.
But she will be mine!![]()
I so hope this line continues for a long while, it's just been one of my favorite Buffy lines ever.
I will probably pass on the guys except for maybe Angel.
(I just realized that list was all guys. I want a Cordy to even out the "playing field.")
Now you know I only collect the girl superhero statues lol
So you wont pick up any of the males that are made? Sad, but totally understandable. Your collection must be how you like it.