Elektra Comiquette

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Just got my processing email

Your pre-order of the Elektra Comiquette (****) will be arriving into our US warehouse in 22 days at which time we will charge your card for the item.

Just got my processing email

Your pre-order of the Elektra Comiquette (****) will be arriving into our US warehouse in 22 days at which time we will charge your card for the item.


shall we wait the white also????
I know the hammer over the head means "DUH", you guys are too funny. Yeah because the white version just release in Dec when I think red was closer to summer of last year. :lol

I figured since it was a paint variant that they would have it ready by the time the Red Electras were shipping. :monkey2
Are there massive cancellations for the red Elektra EX? Coz I got on the waitlist on Monday and just got confirmation that its being converted!!!
Not 5 minutes after canceling the sabretooth lab, I got an email that this will be converting. I have had 2 out of 3 convert, both reds, so just waiting on white ex:monkey5
Why the white ? Cause of the exclusivity ? I never really liked the white for her.

I am old school and love her in red. But that's just me.
no no no, i could care less about ES or exclusivity, it's the paint app, for some reason i really like the way the white was painted, i know it's a proto and they may not even end up looking like that but.....still wanted to see.

Don't get me wrong, LOVE the red but there was just something about the white i really liked :D