elektra white comiquette!!

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Polished it... :monkey5


Hopefully we get an email saying it's ready to ship soon, been really looking forward to this!!!

Doesn't it start shipping on Monday??
Crap, i just realised this is the White Elektra thread, disregard my nonsense about shipping this Monday :lol
I prefer to believe that most people who collect super hero statues are particularly noble people interested in justice and honor who deserve such statues, and as such, don't deserve to pay inflated prices for them, and that flipping items to them for this reason is an extreme injustice. To me, no amount given to charity can make up for the injustice of exploiting someone who likes superheroes. At least, I'd like to believe that superhero fans believe in honor and justice. I hold my fellow superhero fans in very high regard. I just could not in good conscience take advantage of them in any way. Not everyone feels the same, I suppose.

Is this guy your neighbor?
Is this guy your neighbor?

Which is more far out, being a nice, and honorable person who advocates justice, or the idea that someone can spontaneously combust and shoot fireballs and fly like the human torch? I think the idea of super powers is a much more far out fantasy than is being honorable. Gandhi and Dr. Albert Schweitzer were real people.
By the way, the character as your avatar is definitely an anti-hero.