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YOU'RE NOT!?! :horror:horror:horror

I believe I am, therefore I AM..... :rock :rock :rock

don't encourage him...


<div style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;"><embed src="https://media.entertonement.com/embed/OpenEntPlayer.swf" id="1_92916910_0ab8_11df_ad7c_0015c5f4d562" name="1_92916910_0ab8_11df_ad7c_0015c5f4d562" flashvars="auto_play=false&clip_pid=xpdlvpklvs&e=&id=1_92916910_0ab8_11df_ad7c_0015c5f4d562&skin_pid=wfxswdnlkf" width="300" height="30" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="https://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent"></embed><div id="1_92916910_0ab8_11df_ad7c_0015c5f4d562_anchor" style="font-size: 8px; color: black; text-decoration: none; display: block; text-align: center;"><a href="https://www.entertonement.com/clips/xpdlvpklvs--You-wouldn't-like-me-when-I'm-angryThe-Incredible-Hulk-Bill-Bixby-The-Hulk-" style="font-size: 8px; color: black;" target="_blank">You wouldn't like me when I'm angry sound bite</a>  <a href="https://www.entertonement.com/collections/8835/The-Incredible-Hulk?ht_link=1_92916910_0ab8_11df_ad7c_0015c5f4d562" style="font-size: 8px; color: black;" target="_blank">The Incredible Hulk sound bites</a></div><img alt="You wouldn't like me when I'm angry sound bite" border="0" height="0" src="https://www.entertonement.com/widgets/img/clip/xpdlvpklvs/1/1_92916910_0ab8_11df_ad7c_0015c5f4d562/blank.gif" style="visibility: hidden; width: 0px; height: 0px; margin:0; padding:0; float:right" width="0" /></div>
I'll admit I flipped mine, but on the low end of the price range. Basically making $180 for doing nearly nothing makes too much sense to me right now and with my addiction to collecting. Certainly helps pay for the habit and I've somewhat helped out another collector. He's happy and I'm happy.
I am selling mine to another board member for quite a bit less than the one that recently sold on eBay. I figure a quick $70 profit (after I pay taxes+shipping x2) is enough to pay for most of Duke when he ships and I get Sideshow points; plus, this board member is cool and I am pretty sure they will actually hang on to it for awhile.
I'll admit I flipped mine, but on the low end of the price range. Basically making $180 for doing nearly nothing makes too much sense to me right now and with my addiction to collecting. Certainly helps pay for the habit and I've somewhat helped out another collector. He's happy and I'm happy.

After Spook 2008, when I missed the SSE Diorama, which I thought I would want forever, I've learned that if you can't beat them, join them. And I did.


"Die a Hero, or live to see yourself become the Villain..."
Makes more sense to flip it and give the money to charity... then you could fulfill your life-long dream of being a real super hero!! :horror:banana

I prefer to believe that most people who collect super hero statues are particularly noble people interested in justice and honor who deserve such statues, and as such, don't deserve to pay inflated prices for them, and that flipping items to them for this reason is an extreme injustice. To me, no amount given to charity can make up for the injustice of exploiting someone who likes superheroes. At least, I'd like to believe that superhero fans believe in honor and justice. I hold my fellow superhero fans in very high regard. I just could not in good conscience take advantage of them in any way. Not everyone feels the same, I suppose.
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I prefer to believe that most people who collect super hero statues are particularly noble people interested in justice and honor who deserve such statues, and as such, don't deserve to pay inflated prices for them, and that flipping items to them for this reason is an extreme injustice. To me, no amount given to charity can make up for the injustice of exploiting someone who likes superheroes. At least, I'd like to believe that superhero fans believe in honor and justice. I hold my fellow superhero fans in very high regard. I just could not in good conscience take advantage of them in any way. Not everyone feels the same, I suppose.

What if they collect villians only?
What if they collect villians only?

A great question. It really depends upon the villain. What characters people like says a lot about them. The fact that someone likes a character says that either there is something about that character that is like them, or that is something that they would like to be like, or would like to know. For example, I like the Silver Surfer and Spider Man because I would like to be like them, and in other ways, I am like them. I'd also like to know them.
It's the complete opposite, flipping, inflated prices and smashing ppl's fingers and taking charge to get whatever you want when you want!

The POWWAAAAA of VILLAINS :devil :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha
A great question. It really depends upon the villain. What characters people like says a lot about them. The fact that someone likes a character says that either there is something about that character that is like them, or that is something that they would like to be like, or would like to know. For example, I like the Silver Surfer and Spider Man because I would like to be like them, and in other ways, I am like them. I'd also like to know them.

You also need to factor in the people who buy the statue for the sculpt or the art aspect of it. Might not like the character or know who the hell the character is but they buy it because it is a great sculpt or they see something in it that is beyond the character. There are a few people around here who are like that.

Guaranteed that happened with Darth Talon...sexy statue and A LOT of people ordered who didn't even know who the hell she is or never read the comics.

On the marvel side I bet that happened when AH! Emma Frost came out.
You also need to factor in the people who buy the statue for the sculpt or the art aspect of it. Might not like the character or know who the hell the character is but they buy it because it is a great sculpt or they see something in it that is beyond the character. There are a few people around here who are like that.

Guaranteed that happened with Darth Talon...sexy statue and A LOT of people ordered who didn't even know who the hell she is or never read the comics.

On the marvel side I bet that happened when AH! Emma Frost came out.

I agree. I ordered the Darth Talon for that reason. Yep, Emma Frost. However, when I first saw the statue up for sale, er waitlist a weeks after it came out, I didn't know who she was, and so, although she was a neat statue, I had other things which I was buying, and didn't order her. Later on, I played the X Men Legends 2 video game, and I came to know the character a little, and then I became more interested in it. I later bought an EX for $400 shipped.