Elvira PF - who preordered?

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I ordered my Elvira at the Con she is gorgeous!!


I pre-ordered the exclusive as well. Pretty much my favorite piece from SDCC...
I LOVE it, besides the Iron Spidey she's probably my favorite piece from SDCC.

I ordered an exclusive as well! I also have the Tooned up Elvira Exclusive on order as well. Every time I go to cancel that one... i end up not. It's just too cool looking to me. I am weak. :eek::lol
:lol I've had a crush on Elvira since I was a kid, growing up watching her monster movie marathons, on TV and her movies. I also have the Electric Tiki maquette on order and I'd love to find the original to round out my Elvira collection. I love Halloween too and it'd be awesome to have these to display out front during that time! :rock
I LOVE it, besides the Iron Spidey she's probably my favorite piece from SDCC.

:lol I've had a crush on Elvira since I was a kid, growing up watching her monster movie marathons, on TV and her movies. I also have the Electric Tiki maquette on order and I'd love to find the original to round out my Elvira collection. I love Halloween too and it'd be awesome to have these to display out front during that time! :rock

Halloween :rock! and so does this piece.
I LOVE it, besides the Iron Spidey she's probably my favorite piece from SDCC.

:lol I've had a crush on Elvira since I was a kid, growing up watching her monster movie marathons, on TV and her movies. I also have the Electric Tiki maquette on order and I'd love to find the original to round out my Elvira collection. I love Halloween too and it'd be awesome to have these to display out front during that time! :rock

The original? Is there another Elvira statue I am not aware of? Post a link or some pics if you can! :rock

Can't wait for Halloween and these statues. They match me perfectly. :love :lol
If it had been a realistic sculpt I'd have gotten it in a second. Although more than just about any character - a tooned up version works really well for Elvira.
I really love Elvira. I have been a huge fan since I was a kid and first saw mistress of the dark. I own it on dvd and just LOVE it, and her. But I don't actually like this PF too much. Which makes me so sad because I'd really love to have it. I just think that her face is a bit off. Maybe it's just the photos, I dunno...:(
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Admittedly, the photos that I took suck. In snapped about 10 because there were some requests, but I just couldn't capture it well. The flash washed it out and without the flash they were blurry (a tripod would have worked best, but no way was I luggin that around). Thet was typically true in most photos, but especially on this PF, which is why I ended up by taking so many. I think it was the placement in the SS "booth". In person, it looks fantastic, but not my cup of tea...

... Actually, it is my cup o' tea, but I have to draw the line somewhere. Buffy, if you have the Buffy comiquette that was released earlier, this would fit in perfectly.

I like the cartoon style that was used.
I pre-ordered Elvira at SDCC, at first I wasnt going to, but after realizing that she is the intrigrial part of my collection I went ahead and got her. She will look great next to Frankie, Dracula, Wolfie, Mummy, Bride, Creature, and Nos. Since she is the Horror Queen She will fit in nicley. To all who didnt get to see her in person she really is very well done, the animated face is not much different from her in RL. I feel it captures her in her prime and beauty in a morbid kinda way, just the way she would like it :p
That's exactly why I ordered. I've started limiting my collecting to LOTR, Classic Horror (mostly Universal stuff, but a few more "modern" pieces, especially from the Buffy line), and a few select movie icons.

Looking at Frank, his Bride, Wolf Man, Dracula, the Phantom, and the Mummy on my shelf, and then NOT having the Queen of Horror beside them would make my collection seem incomplete.
well im on the wait list...hope I get one ....dose any one know how well the wait list works out?? I know pitu said the wait list dose work in most cases... ooo well if I get one its my first order :whip :taz
well im on the wait list...hope I get one ....dose any one know how well the wait list works out?? I know pitu said the wait list dose work in most cases... ooo well if I get one its my first order :whip :taz
You will probably get this one. When you get on early enough you stand a very good chance of your wait list converting to a real order.
It's a ways off, so there's definitely a good chance of a conversion. I think the only time it doesn't pan out is if the edition size is really low.

I preordered the EX in my SDCC fever, but I had to cancel along with a number of others when reality set in. The same thing will happen with other people's orders, especially as SSC announces new pieces.