[ELVIS1976 | custom work] • 1/1 PROTON PACK

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Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

That Batman is as much a credit to Elvis' work as it is to Tony and Crystal. The fit of it is perfect and the lack of seams around shoulders makes it really capture the look of a superhero.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

That Adams Bats is killer, Seb! :rock Just out of curiosity, have you ever considered doing an Elvis1976 take on Batman Beyond? I'd be very interested in seeing what you could do with such a futuristic character.

I will disapoint you but I hate the batman beyond look :wave


what boots did you use for your Neil Adams batman?

I'm using a spare set I had from my year one project but they are not for sale unfortunately.

That Batman is as much a credit to Elvis' work as it is to Tony and Crystal. The fit of it is perfect and the lack of seams around shoulders makes it really capture the look of a superhero.

You're right bor, Tony did an amazing job.:exactly:
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

Oh, I understand, it seems to be a sort of love it or hate it thing; certainly not for everyone. I just thought that, seeing as how you've already mastered practically every contemporary iteration of the character, it'd be neat to see your take on some of the other eras. With Beyond out of the way, what about Kingdom Come Batman? It's a very elaborate look, but if anyone can pull it off, it would be you.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

damn Seb, the life like tones you get on the headsculpts is insane!! great work as always amigo!
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

Its been over a day since you turned out an update on a figure. Feeling OK Seb? I'm worried sick.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

Its been over a day since you turned out an update on a figure. Feeling OK Seb? I'm worried sick.

:lol:lol Yeah I'm slower atm.
My full tiem job has taken the step on the customizing stuff.

I had to work the whole weekend at the agency and spend my last 2 nights working also at the agency.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

You should take a sick day. 1/6>Agency.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

Congrats on the new job. Good for you, bad for us.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

Some more of the Neal Adams BATMAN.




Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

Classic. You must be loving the Tonymeis superhero suits he's doing!!
Re: ELVIS1976 custom's (Marvel, DC, Movies) - Neal Adams BATMAN wip

that bat looks great, nice paint job on the head
tonys suit and capes are in a leagueof their own, class designs