I have to agree with what someone else posted....if this happened to any one of you guys...on live tv..for all the world to see...you would be pissed as hell. (unless it was completely staged of course)...sure it's funny to watch and laugh when it's happening to someone else...but that was messed up. I'd probably leave too....
Sure Eminem talks ^^^^ about a lot of people....so do other entertainers and just look at all the sites like perezhilton and what not...taking pot shots at celebrities is nothing new....if you can't handle it, then being in this business is not for you...but rubbing your junk in someone's face, unwillingly, is completely different, in my opinion and does cross the line.
I like Eminem..I think he's very talented....got his crap together after years of drug abuse....and he kept his cool after this stunt. Plus his album is one of the top sellers of the year....good for him.