WTF Eli?

I'm talking about talking smack about people....not sticking your balls in someone's face...that's borderline assault. If I was sitting on a bus or a theater and some guy stuck his balls in my face - I would f'n rip that guys' balls off with my bare hands and shove them down his throat...so because Eminem is famous and takes shots at people that makes it okay? We live in a culture Eli where talking smack about people is the norm (which is actually rather sad). Look at all the magazines and websites that ripped on Jessica Simpson when she wore her mom jeans and everyone called her fat...or when someone forgets the words to their song....what he's doing is nothing new. You act like he's the only person in LA that rips on people and therefore deserves to have someone's ass rubbed in his face.
It would be one thing if Sasha was just talking crap about him and he got pissed and left...then yes, I would say he was a poor sport and couldn't take it...this is completely different.
And I'm not defending Eminem...I just think that Sasha's stunt was in poor taste.