Eminem gets teabagged at Movie Awards

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I guess I just find it weird that people laugh at someone basically being assaulted regardless if the guy is a tool or not.

You're on your own as far as PR is concerned.....if you dish it out than you can take it. ;) Now if someone assaults you, let me know and I'll be right there. :lol

You know what makes it ok for me? The fact that I know if it had happened to someone else, Eminem would have been laughing his ass off.
I agree that what he did was pretty bad but if you are going to base your entire career on picking on people, making fun of them and embarrassing them then you better be ready to get it back. Maybe now he'll know how everyone he makes fun of feels.
People still watch the MTV awards?!? :monkey4

Oh and for the record. This Cohen can do that to me any day. :lecture


QFT :lecture :rock :monkey3

I agree that what he did was pretty bad but if you are going to base your entire career on picking on people, making fun of them and embarrassing them then you better be ready to get it back. Maybe now he'll know how everyone he makes fun of feels.

:lecture :lecture :lecture
I didn't even watch the MTV Awards. I heard what happened and youtubed the scene.

I can't stand MTV's shows anymore.

I haven't watched MTV since I was about 20 or 21. That is almost 9 or 10 years. :lol It sucks hard.
Okay my last post.....if someone went on stage and did a rap or monologue making fun or ripping on Eminem and he couldn't handle it then well...he's a poor sport because he dishes it out and should be able to take it.

This was simply wrong. And yeah....maybe Em would have laughed if it happened to someone else...but that doesn't make it right in my opinion.

I guess I'm just puzzled that some people say yeah that's wrong or messed up or would be pissed as hell if it happened to them...but because it happened to Em it's okay and justifiable. :confused: If it's wrong...it's wrong period no matter who the unsuspecting "victim" is.
Okay my last post.....if someone went on stage and did a rap or monologue making fun or ripping on Eminem and he couldn't handle it then well...he's a poor sport because he dishes it out and should be able to take it.

This was simply wrong. And yeah....maybe Em would have laughed if it happened to someone else...but that doesn't make it right in my opinion.

I guess I'm just puzzled that some people say yeah that's wrong or messed up or would be pissed as hell if it happened to them...but because it happened to Em it's okay and justifiable. :confused: If it's wrong...it's wrong period no matter who the unsuspecting "victim" is.

Relax Jen! We have all moved on. You should too. There there. Everything will be alright.
I didn't even watch the MTV Awards. I heard what happened and youtubed the scene.

I can't stand MTV's shows anymore.

Yeah, I don't think I have watched more than 5 consecutive minutes of MTV since Real World Seattle (and I only watched that because it was here.)
This couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I loved it! :lol

The wife beating ^^^^^^^! Cohen should've came down on his head and rubbed his balls down his face. :mad:
This couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I loved it! :lol

The wife beating ^^^^^^^! Cohen should've came down on his head and rubbed his balls down his face. :mad:

Be careful Ween, Eminem's PR team is out in full force, and she has reered its ugly head more than once.

I think I hear her coming.... :horror

Be careful Ween, Eminem's PR team is out in full force, and she has reered its ugly head more than once.

I think I hear her coming.... :horror


Woops sorry...guess I should be advocating sexual assault. Yeah! Teabags for everyone! :D You're next Eli. ;) :lol

I do realize that some people are gonna find it funny...some people aren't. That's the way it is with most things....I should probably be posting in DarkArtist's disgusted with humanity thread...obviously this type of humor is lost on me. :lol :lol Guess that happens when you get old. :eek:
Be careful Ween, Eminem's PR team is out in full force, and she has reered its ugly head more than once.

I think I hear her coming.... :horror


:lol I haven't liked the guy since day one. At least Cohen shavd his ass before this stunt. Could've been even worse otherwise.
:lol I haven't liked the guy since day one. At least Cohen shavd his ass before this stunt. Could've been even worse otherwise.

You got a point there...if he was going as Borat..that would have been even more disturbing. :lol
Woops sorry...guess I should be advocating sexual assault. Yeah! Teabags for everyone! :D You're next Eli. ;) :lol

I do realize that some people are gonna find it funny...some people aren't. That's the way it is with most things....I should probably be posting in DarkArtist's disgusted with humanity thread...obviously this type of humor is lost on me. :lol :lol Guess that happens when you get old. :eek:

Good luck. His thread got locked.:lol:lol:lol