Enaud's 1/6 Custom SW Headsculpts, Outfit parts, Etc.

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Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Duane is our STEWART FREEBORN and DORGS IS our LORNE PETERSON!:clap:clap:clap:clap
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Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

I agree with Chakaman Khonsu, your guys look great man! We are all so lucky to have Duane making these guys :)

Well, thanks for the compliments guys! But, as you said Mark, Duane is the true artistic genius here - we are VERY lucky to have him around.:clap:clap:clap

You, on the other hand, are like the mad genius Nikola Tesla of the doll world. Lego bionicle ball joints for articulation? That is just brilliant outside-the-box thinking! I had already planned on the jawa for the body, wanted to add articulation and was stumped...NEVER would have thought of Bionicles in a billion years! Crazy cool!
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Seems that there has been quite a few things going on all over the boards since the last time I actually had time to look around.Between my absences & dealing with current real life happenings,I'm playing hell to get caught up with everything.:panic:

Thanks everyone for the kind words,compliments,& praises...I really do appreciate it.

Mark...Thank you so much again bro for another brilliant unveiling of wave 3.Kabe & Elis look great(& so does your's Khonsu..as well as Takeel).
I really like the modded body you can up iwth for Kabe.Your dio pics have always been a treat for all of us & now with Feroze having cantina proprietorship,the eye candy is sweetened even more.

Barryo-Very nice paint apps for Ree Yees.Looking forward to seeing him all put together & dressed up.
Cheers to you,Dorg,Feroze,& Chaka for posting pics & sharing your renditions of the ole 3 eyed,goat *******!
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Cheers to you mate!

Without your wonderful sculpts, none of us would be able do any of this. I cant tell you how awesome and exciting it is too see what you have in the works. You are doing and have done some of my favorite characters, keep up the good work mate. :)
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Keep on knocking out them home runs Freeborn!
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

I so wish I was gifted to sculpt like you!
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

I'm happy to announce that another patron has entered my own little version of Chalmun's Cantina: Pons Limbic!


I've had the head done for absolute ages, and was quite happy after twiddling around with it. Don't think I'll ever be able to display this guy in a room where i have to sleep, his eyes really do give me the creeps!



Must get a new camera, he looks much more orange-y in these pics than in real life, but it gets the idea across.

The thing that took me awhile was the outfit. The boots were a snap (may revisit them and redo them someday, have an idea I'd like to pursue, but it's low on my list) the pants were just a DID German officer's trousers, the scarf was just some black ribbon I stitched up. The tunic and belts, however...were challenging. The belts were my first experience playing with leather, and were actually quite fun! You can get good results, with some patience. The tunic was all about dye and sewing. Took trial and error to get the color right (DON'T believe the Rit Dye color chart on their website, it'll screw you over and then won't even send you flowers the morning after), stitching on the sewing machine was bad, trying it by hand was worse - you can see some poor needle craft around the collar. For the double diamond design, I actually Googled "how to embroider" and taught myself a basic back stitch. The transfer pattern on the shirt was literally rubbing off as I was stitching, so I had to 'fake it' to finish. Soooo, it's a bit sloppy and lopsided, I'll go back and redo someday when I've had more practice and gained some skill, but it'll be awhile. It rate this figure about 85% satisfaction level, still a WIP.



Oy! I need to dust those shelves! :)
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Excellent work mate!!! great paint job, gloves and top chuffin brilliant :)
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

You sewed his triangular motif !!!!
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Thanks for the feedback on Pons Limbic guys, I'm pretty happy with the shrivel-headed weirdo. This last week, in between twiddling around with other customs, I found time to finish off Dr. Evazan's head (took me the best part of a day). I had the head about 2/3's painted, but it had a fatal flaw: I had neglected to add washes to the foundation for a 5 o'clock shadow. As the painting progressed, I realized I couldn't let that go, so it was back to scratch. I have to say, though, that since this is the first "human" character I have painted, I was happily surprised at the results. I was sweating bullets about painting his "good" eye, cuz if you futz that part, you might as well pack it in. It came out well, though I wish I had gone with my first instinct to make the iris a true grey; I decided to add in some blue, and it made his eye too "pretty". In fact, the good side of his face was looking too normal in general. I corrected by touching up around eyelids with a little extra baal red wash for that "drunk-hangin-out-in-a-smoky-bar-and-not-quite-sane" bloodshot look. Beefed up the wash under the eye for a dark-circle look. The hair was a very pristine grey, looked kinda dignified and statesman like (Bill Clinton?), so I toned it down, dirtied it up with a light wash of ogryn flesh. The scarred side was just a matter of bringing out Duane's awesome sculpt. I had the most trouble with the mouth, wasn't clear on what to do with the open mouth/curled lip, so just shaded in that sorta empty space with some devlan mud. I think it looks okay, but was my least fave part of the paint job. Ah well, now it's time to try to figure out his oversized, floppy vest...





"Fortune and glory, my a$$!" :)
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Khonsu-For someone claiming to be new to customizing 2 months ago you had me fooled.Your outfits & paint apps look great!
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Khonsu-For someone claiming to be new to customizing 2 months ago you had me fooled.Your outfits & paint apps look great!

Welcome back, Duane! I am new to customizing, though I've been collecting forever. My collecting habits have cycled - I kinda peaked in the late 90s, at which point I was collecting Star Wars, Star Trek (the awful Playmates line that, in hindsight, produced a few gems and a lotta crap) DC, and Marvel... I had a TON of figures and an interest in customizing, but totally lacked confidence in my ability to create a decent figure of my own. I did pick up a few tricks from the customizers of the day, but left the creativity to the "experts". My collecting waned for awhile in the early years of the new millennium, but has picked up steam of late, though it's now pretty much limited to SW (oh, and the Art Asylum Trek figures made the cut as well), with the exception of a few Marvel/DC pieces, like HT Supes (preordered), HT Cap (preordered), and, though I've had discipline with the Nolan-era HT Batman line, I just KNOW I'm gonna cave for an '89 Batman. Through all of this, I've had an interest in customizing, but not the confidence. I have some slight artistic ability, but never took it seriously and didn't really pursue it, despite a desire to be creative.

So, now I've taken the plunge and I'm enjoying it IMMENSELY! I'm doing my homework, stea- er, finding inspiration in the techniques from the master customizers on SSF (it's funny how we all have a signature look to our customs - for several individuals around here, I feel like I could look at a pic of a custom and tell you who did it based on the style...I can already see this in the few customs I've done, also), checking out any online tutorials I can find to teach myself new things, and just fumbling around in trial-and-error fashion. This is a great new adventure and I'm hoping to make some crazy new online friends:1-1:, perfect my technique:lecture, and crank out some of the kick-ass customs I've always dreamed about! :rock2
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

That's awesome that you took the plunge & ventured into the hobby.Everything you've shared here from the start as been fantastic.Keep up the great work man!

I know exactly where you are coming from.I collected on & off for years & tinkered with ideas but didn't follow up on them for one reason or another. I too hesitated for years before presueing what I had thought, pondered, reseached, & wanted to do for so long. I know it all helped out in the long run but part of me regrets waiting as long as I did....but the fun & gratifacation of creating things overshadow those thoughts.
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Okay, a few quick WIP pics to show what I've been doing with my Summer 'vacation'! First up, it's everyone's favorite anteater/bird/thingie, M'iiyoom Onith!





This one is still WIP status only because I haven't gotten around to making her holster. For a blaster, she's using a little Ubese number she picked up off a passing bounty hunter - she sports it well, though you can't really tell from my pics... ::sigh::

Anyway, with the exception of her jacket, she was far and away the easiest custom that I've done, I've sort of been picking away at her in between sweating over other customs. Her tunic went from my original concept of a leather jerkin kind of thing to the cloth viking tunic, which I used a little RIT "pearl grey" dye on - I'm happy with the final results. The jacket started off in life as a Mace Windu costume piece, but I think I mangled it up enough to disguise that. A special blend of RIT dyes, some white cuffs, and a restitching of the bottom hem gave it the look I was going for. Can't see them in these pics, but pants are white knight's bloomers and boots are Mace's, repainted dark brown.

Joining M'iiyoom in the chop shop is Robokabe:





As you can see, she's positively bionic right now! Well, in point of fact, she's Boinicle; I took Mark's idea a step further and made her arms and shoulders completely Bionicle, so she is a Super Articulated action figure (and modular in nature, which is a bit creepy), capable of a wide variety of poses. I'm still verrrrrry on the fence about the length of her neck, seems about 1/4" too long? Any thoughts? I may revisit if it bugs me enough. I sculpted her hands and feet and painted to match the color scheme of her head - pretty happy with those. I just need to create her outfit. I'm trying to recreate the look of the pattern on the original outfit with the intent of getting some custom fabric done up, but I've never done a lick of graphic design in my life, soooo, I'm stuck. Anyone out there have some ideas? This is the sort of look I'm going for:


I also have Elis Helrot, Bom Vimdin, and Dr. Evazan on tap, but what is missing from them is almost as important as what is finished, so no pics on them just yet...fun stuff!!!
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

and what about Wuher you ******* racist?
Re: Enaud's 1/6 Custom Headsculpts,Etc.

Fantastic Robo Kabe!!! Love the sculpted feet and hands really great!!!