Endor Troop Set Processing

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Buttmunch said:
I'm going to only be able to open one when they arrive and the other two are going to be saved for my birthday. So my biggest problem is deciding whether to open Brant or Nik. I'm a fellow Brant so a "Brant" figure is really cool to me, but Nik is also freaking sweet. What to do? :confused:

Open Brant first. It'll make Nik that much sweeter.
Smudger9 said:
You got that right. The Brant figure is so damn ugly and pointless. Would make good firewood though.

Does it bother you at all that the guy the figure is sculpted after posts here?
jlcmsu said:
Does it bother you at all that the guy the figure is sculpted after posts here?

It's jealousy.

I'm sure a SW fan would kill to have their face on a SW product.
Smudger9 said:
You got that right. The Brant figure is so damn ugly and pointless. Would make good firewood though.

I woudn't say that. The Brant looks as cool as the other two. I just really liked the Nik Sant character and he was the only one I would have bought.
jlcmsu said:
That's not too bad. We broke ours over three days at like 2 hours a day.

Lol. I'm also a teacher and unfortunately our Parent/Teacher conferences are on a half day from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM......:monkey4
Jedi_Mike said:
Lol. I'm also a teacher and unfortunately our Parent/Teacher conferences are on a half day from 12:00 PM to 8:00 PM......:monkey4

OUCH.... Do you guys even have a union?:monkey2
Well now I'm leaning towards Brant. I don't think I'll be able to decide until I see them all in person I'm 99% sure that I won't choose Rodne though. Brant does have the cool trench coat that could always make its way over to Han. :monkey3 I wonder how many Hasbro Endor Hans are going to be selling on ebay now? :lol

And Yes, I agree. Any Star Wars fan would kill to be made into a figure. I don't know why everyone was so upset with Brant's figure. If we never saw Brant we'd never have known it was based on a Sideshow guy. If we knew is was based on Dave (SSF or RS) I'd think most of us would be happy for them and would buy it. To me it is no difference. I'm sure Brant is a HUGE Star Wars fan and probably begged and cheated his way into a figure - like we all would if we were in his position.

I think I'm going to have to find that old CW banner of mine supporting the Endor Troops.
Damn it! It looks like I'm going to have to cancel the Bundle too. :monkey2
I just have enough for two, so I'll be getting just the two exclusive figures instead.
I'm so glad I ordered the Bundle and the individuals just in case I couldn't afford the bundle. I'm missing out on the gift card, but at least I'll have the two exclusives. :D
Buttmunch said:
I don't know why everyone was so upset with Brant's figure. If we never saw Brant we'd never have known it was based on a Sideshow guy.

I think the problem is that the outfit is nowhere near as iconic as Nik's or the Infantry Trooper's. I certainly remember Nik from the film and the Infantry outfit is very recognizable but I don't recall anyone dressed like the squad leader.

I really wish that these were not in the same quarter as Robocop with Flight Pack and the Battle Damaged ED-209... those are all must haves for me (I did not pick up any of the HT RoboStuff previously) and I'm dubious on being able to pick them up later, the ED-209 especially. I have no such concern with the Endor guys, though I'm going to go ahead and get Nik because Nik is awesome. I'm actually more interested in him than Asajj or Plo Koon, both of whom I'm holding out for waitlist conversions for the exclusive edition. I made the mistake of not waiting on Kit, and then my waitlist converted a few months later and I wish that I had.
I got mine to

And to all you haters out there, I hope you drool when you actually see these in the hands of us lovers! I hope these turn into the GG Snow Buddy Padme! :maul