Endoskull Roll Call...

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Noob alert! I found this thread last night and almost read the whole thing. Everyone here seems to be pretty cool. T2 is my favorite movie of all time! This thread convinced me to order the 1:1 BD Bust. Gonna order it soon and clean er up!

I made this last night, turn up the sound lol. It only took 20 minutes to make, but it was fun: https://messinaroundt2.ytmnd.com/


Cool clip!
Damn! Found a SS Endo CB on craigslist for a really good price, like an hour away from me. I sent the guy an email. Hope it's real. :monkey5
Sent the email to him. It's under $250 so it sounds too good to be true. Will update! Either it isn't a real ad or he really needs money bad.

All I can think is that it's either a scam or he needs money, or maybe it is damaged? I'll update once I get a response.

*fingers crossed*
^^^^^ Awesome!

I'm gonna get one on Ebay I think, and then check the craigslist guy. Wouldnt mind having 2!
nice pics, guys:rock2 Mine is in front of my computer so I'm always looking at it , but it still amazes me when I see other people's pics still
I have one on order and it's going in the bedroom. My girlfriend says I have to cover it up when it's bedtime though cause it'll creep her out.